Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Ava and I went on a little outdoor excursion this week. We were invited to join along with my Aunt and Uncle on their family camping trip (Something my family never really does) So I was a little nervous. I didn't know what to do, or what to pack, and most of our stuff is still in storage so we were not really prepared. It started storming the night before were were supposed to leave, and didn't stop raining all day, except for when we were setting up camp, so that was nice. Regardless, Ava had a ton of fun! She stomped in every puddle she could find and was soaking wet by the end of the evening.
We ran to Rite Aid to get some camping chairs, and Ava loves her new "kitty cat chair"

For some reason she thought this was fun....playing in the puddle and letting the water drip on her head from the camper....strange child. She was so wet and it was only in the 50's, so she wasn't going to dry out too soon. Luckly I brought extra clothing. She came up to me and said, "Oh mom I all Wep! (that is how she says wet) I need a wep wipe for my head!" What a silly girl.

We didn't last long, but we had a lot of fun. I really enjoyed being outside and just hanging out. I always thought that sounded boring and didn't understand why people went camping, but it was a really nice night. Ava has been talking about sticking marshmallows in the fire with her cousins all day long! Thanks Family!

Monday, July 6, 2009

What Riley has been up to....

So here is an update of what Riley has been doing in Sunny California....

Being the best nerd possible! :)
He has been able to listen to executive speakers, like Tim Cook, the COO of Apple, who was acting in Steve Jobs place while he was on leave. And he even ventured up to San Fransisco for a week in Nerd Heaven! He went to WWDC (World Wide Developers Conference) this is where they announce things like the new iPhone 3Gs and the new line of MacBook Pros. They also have lots and classes and workshops.
He is having a great time and learning so many new things. We miss him of course, and can't wait to be together again as a family. We have a love/hate relationship with the airport, and the weekend visits are just not long enough! But we are so proud of him for accomplishing dreams and working so hard!

4th of July Festivities!

We started the holiday weekend off with a new visitor...Ava has a new cousin, Aiden. He is such a handsome little guy. Ava really liked him and it was good practice for her sister in 7 1/2 weeks!
On the 4th of July we headed down town for the parade. Ava liked it a lot. She loved all the horses and funny cars.
Ava and Tytan got the best seats in the house. Tytan is on his Uncle Steve's shoulders (Lindsay's dad)
My cute Aunt Amy won the mother of the year award. She is such a great mom to Tytan and Mylie. Her husband woke up really early to get to work, so he was enjoying a nice nap during the parade.
Then on to the Griffitts' wild slip n' slide. It is a huge tarp and a ton of fun. I didn't get a good picture of Ava and Riley, but this was thier first run down the slide.

Ava enjoyed the afternoon on the slip n' slide, in the kiddy pool and on the trampoline. She was so worn out she fell asleep during the fireworks!

We had a great fourth with family and with Riley!