Today we ventured up to Oakland, the only part of the bay we haven't seen yet. We decided to go to the zoo and the temple. Oakland was a lot more beautiful than I least the parts that we saw. We also experienced the first day of paid vacation that either of us have had since we have been married, and that was our favorite part of the day...we were getting paid to play!! Woo Hoo! What a great day.....
They had a little play park and Ava loved climbing on the rope spider web.
Ava really liked to point out that the elephants had big bums and were stinky.
This picture is for Tamar...Palm trees and yellow roses always remind me of my fitting they just happened to be in the same shot! Love you Tamar!!
We had a really nice day in Oakland, and have now seen most of the bay area. So big and so beautiful and the weather has been amazing. We thought of you Sokimna and Rico!!
We love it here!