We spent the last week and a half
in Salt Lake, which included Ava's Second birthday. We had fun with the family. Here she is digging into her cake.
in Salt Lake, which included Ava's Second birthday. We had fun with the family. Here she is digging into her cake.
And this is her new table (and I got her a Tea set too, but left it in Utah...Oops!) She loves it. She eats on it, reads, plays Play-Doh, and all with her new Bear she got for Christmas.
Here she is at the Sting Ray petting part. She was such a champ and not scared at all. She is with her Uncle Sam in this picture.
Here is Ri touching the Sting ray. I touched it too, but was a little nervous and all, especially after what happened with the Steve Irwin.... so his 12 year old girl came up next to me and was like, "It isn't scary you know. Just do it!" I was like,"Well I am just afraid of that stinger sticking out of the water right near me." She was like, "They don't sting, they are special ones, just do it. watch..." Then she proceeds to stick her hand in the water and pull it out really fast and freaked out. She was like "The stinger touched me!" I looked at her and was like, " I thought these were special ones that don't sting....Uhm huh....you are scared too! hahah!!" I was a little imature, but it was a good time. Then we both ended up touching the sting ray together.