Friday, May 30, 2008

Maccaroni and Peas Please!

Here is a little video of Ava. She was eating lunch today, so it is nothing too funny, but it is a cute video. She says Hi, Bye Bye, Ah Oh and all done in this video, so for all the family members far away here is a video of how big she is getting...Enjoy!

Sunday, May 25, 2008

Sunday Snooze

Our church is in the afternoon, which means that Ava doesn't get a nap until we get home and she is so tired and cranky...well today she fell asleep on the couch while we were making dinner and I thought it was an interesting position......

Talk about balance and skill! She slept like this for a while and then I rolled her over. I could just imagine her falling and that is no way to wake up from a Sunday nap!

I thought these were cute. She was so tired and it takes her a little while to wake up and become human again.

Dwarf on Golf

So when we went to the store after the power outage we bought Ava some new clubs for the summertime. Golfing is in her genetic structure, so we though we would get an early start (kinda like Tiger Woods, but she would be much cuter!) She loved them! She loves to take all the clubs out and put treasures inside the bag and then dump it out everywhere, pretty much like she does with everything else. I think she will be out there with either of the Grandpas in no time..maybe next summer LPGA!

Elmo eat your crackers!

Ava loves to feed people and things food. She will ask for a cracker only to try to make me or Ri eat it. I was making some dinner the other night and I turned around and there she was forcing vanilla wafers down poor Elmo's throat. Then they fell out and she sat on him and put them back. It is so funny what she does now. I promise I never sit on my child and force crackers down her throat....I PROMISE!

Then after I took a few picture I went back to making dinner I had a lot of veggies to chop, so I was just chopping away and turned around right in time to see her put the aloe vera bottle up to her mouth and try to drink it (It was aloe vera with lidocaine to numb you if you get sunburnt like I that would have been an interesting feeling). I ran over as fast as I could and luckily nothing was ingested....It had a child proof lid on it too...I guess those really are only hard for adults!

Power Outage

Yesterday there was a big storm and it knocked our power out for a while. After a while of being inside in the dark Ava got board and wanted to watch TV. I tried, unsuccessfully of course, to explain to her that it didn't work. She went and got another remote and sat down and tried to turn it on. It didn't work either, so she was like, whatever, and ended up going through all the remotes. Then she decided she wanted to watch a movie, so she found a movie and I again tried to explain that wouldn't work either. We finally ended up coloring for a little while longer, but man....It was tough work!
Here is my little sassy child telling me to just turn it on mom....
This is how you do it!

Searching for a movieI got one mom...Now turn it on!

She likes her toenails painted, so here she is trying to paint them with markers. Luckly they are those tricky markers that only mark on certain paper...Crayola people are GENIUS!
Here is one in the darkness that was our apartment for a while. Luckly when Riley got home from helping a friend we went to the store so we could get out of the dark!

Saturday, May 24, 2008

A little humor for the weekend...

Here is a new one for all you singles out there....especially at BYUI!

I know the feeling kid!

This last one I thought was hilarious..couldn't stop laughing!
I thought of Emily who just had her last day teaching kindergarten and dedicate this one to her..Whenever you miss your little kiddos, just look at this and smile :)

Thursday, May 22, 2008

For Lindsay.....
A- Attached or single: Attached at the hip
B- Best Friend: Ri most of all but I have a lot of best friends
C-Cake or Pie: Cake, I really don't like pie much at all
D- Day of Choice: Saturday
E- Essential Item (s): Lipgloss, sunglasses, gum
Favorite Color: Blues
Gummy Bears or Worms: worms
H- Hometown: Currently Rexburg, Idaho :)
Indulgence(s): Popsicles right now
J- January or July: defiantly July
K-Kids: Ava and hopefully many more
L- Like or Love: Like
M- Marriage Date: December 30, 2005
N- Number of Siblings: 3 sisters and 6 brothers
O- Oranges or Apples: Oranges if they if they are sweet and ripe, apples if they are crispy and sweet
P- Phobias or Fears: snakes, dirty houses were bugs live (like that show Verminators...ewww)
Q-Quote(s): "Lord, help me to love those who choose to sin differently than I do. "
R- Reason To Smile: Waking up to Riley every morning and My family
S- Season: Summer
T- Tag Six: Mom Griffitts, Erin, Hilarie (she actually likes these!) Camille, Jenni and Emily (schools out and she is a stay at home mom now! Enjoy!)
U- Unknown Fact About Me: I don't like licorice....YUCK!
V- Vegetarian or Oppressor of Animal: I oppress animals, I just don't like to see them being oppressed....
W- Worst Habit: Asking too many questions
X- X-Rays or Ultrasounds:Ultrasounds cause you get to see a new life!
Y- Your Favorite Food: Cheese
Z- Zodiac: Scorpio & Sagittarius. I am right on the boarder, so I just pick which one is better that day. It works nicely.

For Riley....
A- Attached or single: Attached
B- Best Friend: Lindsay Griffitts....Crebs
C-Cake or Pie: Blueberry Pie
D- Day of Choice: Friday
E- Essential Item (s): gum, wallet, watch, phone
Favorite Color: Forest Green
Gummy Bears or Worms: Gummy Worms
H- Hometown: Sandy, Utah
Indulgence(s): Peanut M&Ms
J- January or July: July
K-Kids: Ava
L- Like or Love: Love
M- Marriage Date: December 30, 2005
N- Number of Siblings: 3 bros
O- Oranges or Apples: Oranges
P- Phobias or Fears: snakes and sharks and especially being stuck in a large open body of Water on a tiny raft....
Q-Quote(s): "I have never met a man worth his salt, who deep down in the long run didn't appreciate the grind and the discipline. There is something in good men that urns for and needs discipline and the harsh reality of head to head combat. I don't say these things because I believe in the brute nature of man or that man must be brutalized to be combated. I believe in God, and I believe in human decency; but above all I believe that any man's finest hour, the moment he holds dearest, is the moment when he knows he's worked his heart out in a good cause and lies exhausted on the field of battle....Victorious." Vince Lombardy
R- Reason To Smile: Duh...Lindsay is my wife (Lindsay wrote that) he really said "My family."
S- Season: Snowboard season
T- Tag Six: Trevor, Bud, Shaun, Chris, Papa Steve, come on guys represent!
U- Unknown Fact About Me: Even though I am extremely cool and good looking on the outside, I am white and nerdy (singing, "....Look at me I'm White and Nerdy....") Song by weird Al look it up on You Tube, it is pretty funny.
V- Vegetarian or Oppressor of Animal: I don't want to be an oppressor of animals, but I like meat. I should repent and be more sparing in my consumption of meat!
W- Worst Habit: watching TV.
X- X-Rays or Ultrasounds: Whatever the doctor needs to get the job done
Y- Your Favorite Food: Mexican (anything spicy)
Z- Zodiac: Gemini

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Our Little Helpy Helperton!

This morning was a monumental moment in the Crebs' House....Ava unloaded the dishwasher!
I was unloading it this morning and usually she plays around with the dishes and silverware. However, this morning she came up, got the top to some Tupperware and went to the cupboard and put it away! I was like...."Riley...She's putting the Tupperware away!!" Then he showed her where everything else on the bottom rack went and she put it all away! I think that she that she takes after me, cause as funny as it sounds when I was little I actually wanted to be a maid when I grew up! Riley and I are so excited for the help....she also loves to throw things away, however, we have to be careful with that one. We have to make sure it is really garbage and not our phones, watches, or driver license. (mine went missing a few weeks ago!)

P.S. Don't mind the crusties in the first picture. She was eating some graham crackers and got a few up her nose. She has the Griffitts smile, were her eyes close when she smiles now. Just like her cousin Abby. How fun!

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Spring is Here!

Yeah for spring and flowers! Riley got me a huge pot of daisy's for Mother's Day, which are my favorite! They are such happy flowers!
The weather has much improved. It snowed once this week, but mostly rained, which I love rain! It isn't snow, and that is why I love it! There have been some nice sunny days too! Ava and I got out and went on some bike rides. We are loving being outside so much!

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Ava's New Ride!

Yesterday it finally came! I have been wanting one for a long time and finally found one that I liked and that we could afford, and I couldn't wait for it to get here. Yesterday my favorite FedEx man came and delivered it! We were so excited and opened it and put it together right away! It was a perfect day for a bike ride, so when I got back from class we were going to go on a bike ride! Well I got back, and then Riley got back and he helped me hook it all up and pump up the tires.....I think that he is a little too strong though, cause we put Ava in it and KABOOM! It sounded like a backfire from an old car or a gun shot. It was so loud....We popped the tire! Ava was just sitting in it smiling and thinking....I wonder what that noise was? Well no bike ride yesterday, but we are going to get a new tube and try again today! Here are some cute pictures of Ava with her new ride....

Oh I just love my new bike trailor!

Here are a few with her favorite friends...Cookie and Elmo. She carries them all over the house and they are heavy, so she drops them and I feel so bad for our downstairs neighbors. Oh well.

I think that Ava was sick of getting her picture taken so she decided to take cookies picture! What a little photographer!

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Funny Ava Antics of the week

So this picture is from the other day. I was getting ready to take a shower and I heard an unfamiliar noise in the living room. So I peeked out quick and there she was, on the computer desk, going through everything she could get her little hands on! She was in heaven doing who knows what to the computer (thank goodness for service plans!) and had pens and markers and scissors in her hand. It could have been pretty bad, but luckily nothing happened.

Remeber that book she got in the last post, well she got Pez with it too. She found the Pez, and ate as many as she could (including the paper) before I caught her. She LOVES Pez apparently.

This is her eating lunch. It was so funny, she was eating a chicken nugget, and just went and laid in the middle of the floor. It wasn't like the TV was on or anything, I guess that she just wanted to be comfy while enjoying her lunch...maybe lying down aids in proper digestion? Who knows!

And last, but not least...HAPPY MAY DAY EVERYONE! I hope that you are all enjoying flowers bloom and planting things, we however, woke up to more snow. For crying out loud it is May! I don't remember having snow for this long when I was here before. I think lots of places are having worse than normal winters, however, a worse than normal winter in Rexburg is really no fun at all! As you can see the bikes aren't getting as much use yet as we would have hoped for, but hopefully soon!