Monday, April 28, 2008

Dress Up, Wedgies, a Book and a Garden....

Here is little Ava, living up to her name...(Ava Gardner) She really loves to dress up and wear bracelets and sunglasses and play in make up. She has more sunglasses than I do...and I have well, too many pairs (as Riley would say)

DIAPER WEDGIE! Ouch, that can't be comfortable. Riley was changing her diaper and she was wiggling a lot, so when she stood up and walked away, so had a royal wedgie. We were laughing so hard and had to get a picture. Then after we had a little fun, we became mature parents and fixed it for her.

She got a super fun book in the mail from her Aunt and Uncle in Utah. It is as big as her and she can't rip it or anything. It has little foam peices that you move from one place to another and learn shapes, numbers and colors. She loves it and won't stop playing with it. Thanks Guys!

On more thing she learned this week, was to take of her diaper in like .6 seconds. Before I can put her pants on, the diaper is already off! She thinks it is hilarious and tries to get away so she can run "free". The funny thing is when she does it, she puts her diaper back in the clean diaper bin, so she thinks we won't even notice. Sneaky little gal!

And last, but not least, Our version of a garden. It is growing! We have Peas, (pictured above)
Green Peppers, Banana Peppers, Tomatoes, Basil, Sage, Echinacea (sp?), and Cilantro. They are all inside for now, except on nice days we put them out to get a little sun, but we are so excited to see what they all do! So far the only ones to sprout have been the peas and tomatoes, but it is still early!

Friday, April 25, 2008

Save $$ Diapers!

Okay, here is one more little thing to share, then I promise I will post normal post of like ava and rexburg weather and stuff. I just can't help but share all this fun stuff with everyone. I think I am obsessed with saving money...So for all you with little ones here is a great way to save on diapers EVERY TIME you buy them! It is called Caregivers Marketplace. You enroll in the program (for free) and then if you have a child(ren) under the age of 5 or take care of someone with special needs you can get money back for the things that they need the most. You just go shopping, fill out their cash back form, send it in and in 4-6 weeks you have a check.
for example, say you have a little one and one that is potty training, or has trouble at nights still. You buy a jumbo pack of huggies diapers, some swimming diapers (if you are lucky enough to live somewhere warm enough!) and some pull ups or goodnight. You can buy as many as you want, but you get a dollar back for each one! No matter where you buy them, even online. You just need a receipt.
You are also eligible if you are a caregiver to adults who need similar products, such as depends, wash whipes, etc.
For as long as childern are in diapers and training pants, this could save you TONS of money! So Hope you all find it helpful!
Check out their website HERE

***Plus if you love Huggies as much as I do, here is one more reason! $5 off or a special gift of your choice. Check it out HERE

***Also there is a 50% off sale on warm weather styles at and if you go through ebates you get an extra 3% cash back! :) In the words of Grasshopper..."We're gonna be rich, rich, rich!"

Monday, April 21, 2008


Here are two great deals I have found. I have used them, and I love them! The first one is Ebates. It is great for buying things online. All you have to do is sign up and you get $5 automatically. Then you can refer friends and earn even more cash! Then to use Ebates you just log in, find the store that you need to buy stuff from and click the link, and it takes you there, tracks what you buy and gives you cash back or great coupons to use! Then in a day or two your account has more money in it and once a month they cut you a check for your rebates if it over $5. So for instance, I ordered contacts online, and the store I ordered from I got 4% cash back from Ebates, then the Steve Madden Store had 20% cash back the other day and I bought a pair of $150.00 boots for only $39.99, plus I got free shipping and $8 in my Ebates account. I also just bought my Textbooks online and got a heck of a deal, plus 5% cash back. So it is a great way to get a little extra cash for things that you need to buy online anyways! Check it out HERE!

Then there is the Revolutionary Money Exchange Program. It is just like PayPal, which for those of you who don't use PayPal, it is a program where you can have your credit card information kept private while you buy or sell stuff online. No one sees your information but Revolutionary Money Exchange. It is FDIC insured and totally legit. Plus, unlike PayPal THERE ARE NO FEES for using it! The best part is they give you $25 just for joining. So Riley and I can make a quick $60 since I joined ($25), refered him for $10 and another $25 for him joining. Then you have the money deposited in your bank account and you never even have to use it again! So if you want a nice date night, here's a way to get a quick $60! HERE is a copy of an article in the USA Today for all you who think it's suspicious...I did too at first

Refer A Friend using Revolution Money Exchange

Anyway these are just some things that I love and fun ways to make extra cash for doing nothing really! Hope you enoy!

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Beautiful Lake Coeur d'Alene

We had the week off of school, and when my dad found out he called us and said "Why aren't you guys here right now?" There is no arguing with that man, so we packed that night and the next morning drove to Northern Idaho. Ava did pretty good on the 8 hour drive, until the last hour, she was ready to be done! We couldn't blame her though, we were sick of driving too.
So we took one afternoon while we were there and took Ava down to one of our favorite places, The Boardwalk. She loved the seagulls and the water. It was great to spend a little time together as our little family!

What a great few days we had! Tomorrow real life hits. Riley and I both start school again! That's right, I am now a student at BYUI. I am excited to start school again and get a little closer to my goal of a bachelors degree. I am only part time so that I don't have to leave Ava a lot, so slowly but surely I will graduate sometime! I figure, I have to start sometime, so why not now. I am working toward a degree in Exercise & Sports Science. I am so excited!
It is also Ava's 16 month birthday today! I can't believe how time flies!
So that is all the news from the Crebs Fam. Hope everyone has a great week!

Sunny Sunday!

My plea for sun worked! Last Sunday was beautiful, so after church we went to the park with the Johnsons and had a picnic. We brought Ava's kite along and it flew great. Rexburg is probably the best place to fly kites cause of all the wind. We had a great time in the sunshine. Today the weather is less than pleasing, but we still have hope!

Then we went to the playground for a while. Ava loved it! She went on the little slide a couple of time and then Riley took her on the big slide. She was so excited it was so cute!

This is her flying off the end after going down by herself, luckly Riley was ready to catch her. She was laughing so much, she is our little dare devil, nothing phases this girl!

Here is another action shot...On the tummy! I love her little diaper bum in this picture.... So cute!She is growing up so fast. She looked like such a big girl just climbing everywhere and wanting to do everything herself. She is such a fun little girl!

Thursday, April 10, 2008


We would love to report, that as of today, Riley is done with the semester! He has a week off and Ava and I are going to enjoy every minute of having daddy home with us! If you know Riley very well then you know he isn't too good at just relaxing and hanging out, so last night he started a new project...Refurbishing Apple Laptops. The plan is to buy them, fix them and sell them. Now that all students on campus are required to have laptops, he figures it will be a good business to earn a little extra money while we're in school. What a smart man! Here is the first one. The LCD screen was broken, so he got a new one and was fixing it. Just a few more fixes and this one will be good as new!

Smile! He's one happy man!

Random Pictures

Here are some random pictures from the week. I realized I haven't been too good at pictures lately.... So here is Ava the Hippie child. Her little shirt says, "Lil Tree Hugger" I thought it was appropriate for Earth Month! She kinda looks like she is stoned too, so that goes right along with the hippie theme :)

Lazy Sunday. Ava and I took a little snooze in our pajamas next to the window, trying to get all the sun rays we could (It was snowing though, so no luck!)

And the highlight of our week....Monday was the final March Madness game...If Kansas won, Riley and I would win our group brackets....Ava wasn't as entertained by the games, so she read a book instead. But for those who haven't heard....WE WON! Riley and I came in first and second, and then Karina (who got the most right overall) came in third. What a great final three! (we probably are the three who knew the least about what we were doing! :)

Springtime...Where are you?

Ava is taking a much needed nap, and I am sitting here, in the house, thinking...."Why did Heavenly Father make a place like Rexburg?" I know it has it has it's perks and small town benefits, but right now I am beginning to forget those as I have seen snow many times this last week. All weekend long it snowed, then this morning we woke up to more snow. Through the winter this apartment has seemed smaller and smaller as Ava is getting bigger and bigger and there is nothing to do! We have one more winter here, and if this doesn't prove my love and commitment to Riley, I am afraid nothing will. All I am asking for is a nice day to take a walk, to go outside and not freeze to death, to not have to warm the car up and waste gas we can't afford in the first place, and most of all, I just want to remember how it feels to have the sun on your skin...It's been a LONG time! So come on spring....Please!

See this sad little girl who just wants to go outside....

***Disclaimer: For those of you reading this blog that are from Rexburg, I am not bashing it...I know people do that a lot and I think if I were from here I would get annoyed with it all. I would say, "You chose to come here, so shut up about it!" There are many great things about Rexburg, but the weather just isn't one of them!

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

More FREE stuff!

Here is another great find...Thanks to Money Saving Mom. You get it for free! Anything that might make cleaning the bathroom more pleasant.... :)

Get a free Scotch-Brite Disposable Toilet Scrubber with Bleach Starter Kit with this coupon here.

Friday, April 4, 2008

FREE Reusable Shopping bags!

Thanks to Mommies with Cents, here is a great offer that will help if you are looking for something to do to celebrate Earth Day this year. Get some FREE Reusable Shopping Bags!

Wal-Mart is giving away 1 million reusable shopping bags on April 19, 2008.
Don't worry. If you can't make it to Wal-mart on April, 19, they are going to sell the bags for $1 each. ONLY $1!!! These are the same style as the ones that I have, except they are from a different store, but I love them, so go get 'um!

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Professor Crebs!

Yesterday Riley called me in the afternoon from school and said that he just got out of a meeting with one of his professors. I didn't know he was having one, so I asked him what it was about and how it went. He said, "well he called me in and asked me to teach his class for him while he is gone...TOMORROW!" I thought it was cool, Riley was a little nervous and said..."we'll I've never taught a class full of University students before.." I told him probably not a lot of undergraduate students have. So he had a few hours to prepare and then at 7:45 this morning he went to class as a fill in professor and not the student. I think that he will do great. It has to be a little intimidating, especially when the other kids in your class know that you are a student like them, and not a professor, but hopefully it will all go well. He can do a test run and see if it is really what he wants to do in the future, before spending all the time and money on a PhD. So there you have it, Professor Crebs, and he doesn't even have his undergraduate yet! :)