Friday, February 29, 2008


I just found a good deal! :) If you take a short, and I mean short. It is like 5 questions about Mott's for Tots, they will send you a bowl, cup, fork and spoon for your little ones. I just did one and we should expect our little set in 6-8 weeks! Just click here

My New Hobby!

So I have taken up a new hobby. It is something that I have always loved, however, I am taking it to a whole new level...BARGAIN SHOPPING! Thanks to my sister, Heather, I have become aware of moms who blog about deals they find. I have found great coupons thanks to these blogs and today was the first day of my new life as a professional bargain shopper. First I started at Office Max where I had a coupon for Sharpie markers. I got a 12 pack of retractable markers that were regularly $21.99 for only 2 dollars!! The sales clerk was like.."That is amazing!" I think that at first she thought that I was handing her a bogus coupon, but when the computer took it she was amazed! Then it was off to the beauty supply store to get some hair products that I get for 1/2 off and it was on sale buy one get one free too! So I counted that to make me feel better and add to my success as a self proclaimed professional bargain shopper. Then off to Target for more deals! I couldn't believe it. I was in heaven. I love to shop! So from now on I will be keeping a tally of how much I have spent and how much I have saved!
So far today I spent $21.44 and if I would have paid retail it would have cost $100.44
that is a savings of ... $79.00
I have added links to my favorite money-saving blogs. I hope that you find all the joy that I have in bargain shopping!

Monday, February 25, 2008

That's our girl!

We have created a monster. I remember when I was pregnant Riley asked the question..."Should we raise Ava up on a PC or Mac?" Only a really studdly computer nerd would ask that question and be serious about it! Since the only PC thing we have is Vertual PC, she just hasn't been around them much, so by default..she's a Mac girl too!

She loves the computer! She loves to type and use the mouse and think that she is hard at work. I just thought these picture were cute! Ava hard at work!

Grandparents came to town!

This weekend we had a visit from Grandma and Grandpa Griffitts! My mom came down on Thursday (after many delays and lost luggage) and my dad got here on Friday.We met Riley after classes and went to dinner. My parents hotel was in Idaho Falls, so after dinner and a little hanging out, they were off to get my moms luggage and go to the hotel. The Saturday we went to Idaho Falls to swim and shop and eat, however, Ava had different plans. She got sick about a block away from the hotel, so she got to take a bath in the Jacuzzi tub and Riley and my dad ran to Target to get her a new outfit. They ended up coming back with a lot more stuff, including a new puffy dress for Ava (pictured below). We watched some golf at the hotel while ava recuperated, then went to dinner. After that we headed back to Rexburg for Chocolate Cake ( a seven layer cake!) One slice was plenty for all 4 of us! And played some cards. Then Sunday we went to the Rexburg Ward, which has 550 people in it! Came home ate dinner, had Alyssa over and ate some more chocolate cake! What a weekend! Thanks for braving Rexburg in February! We love family!

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Riley's long lost brother....

Okay, so today we got a comment from Karina & John about how this guy on American Idol looks like Riley (minus the dreadlocks). Since we are not cool and "down with it" and don't watch nighttime TV, we didn't know who they were talking about. So we Googled American Idol and found the guy with dreadlocks. So here he is....Riley's long lost, Rastafarian brotha. Maybe this explains why Riley has always enjoyed listening to Bob Marley.....

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Update on Hermana Griffitts

We got an email today from my (Lindsay's) little sister, who is on a mission for our church in Peru. She about 1/2 way done and is loving it. The first picture is of her eating chicken ovaries, so that's sick, but the other ones are just scenery. So for all of you who know Darbye and are wondering if she is still alive down are some pics. Enjoy!

Friday, February 15, 2008

Riley's Best Valentine Ever...and it wasn't from me!

Last night we were watching the news and we heard a loud knock on the door and then someone run down the stairs. Riley got up and opened the door and saw a car drive away really fast. He looked on the doorstep and there it was....the best valentine in the world! A cookie made to look like the Apple symbol.

Most people know that we are a Mac family, we love our iPods, computers...anything Mac! Riley can talk about anything Apple forever and loves to try to convert people, which isn't too hard to do....after all "once you go Mac, you never go back!" :) Well Shaun & Emily happen to agree and they are the ones who send the Mac Cookie over. So thanks guys for showing me up and giving Riley the best Valentine ever! Just Kidding it was a great laugh!

Thursday, February 14, 2008


Ava showing off her Valentines present. Pink princess aviators. We are ready for spring!
We hope that everyone had a great Valentines Day!
Love Love Love

Monday, February 11, 2008

Snow Bunny

Today was finally a beautiful day. It was sunny and in the 30's, which might not sound like much, but we enjoyed every minute of it. We took the car out of 4 wheel drive for the first time in months and I had to put on sunglasses to drive. I WAS LOVING IT! I know it probably won't last, but it was enough to tide me over for a few more weeks at least. I was so excited to take Ava outside. I think that if it is going to be cold, there better be a lot of snow! So I got a few pictures of Ava enjoying the nice day.
Her first real taste of snow.
She didn't care for the taste, but I think she liked how cold it was cause she kept tasting it.
I know it looks like she was freezing, but it was such a nice day I promise. Everyone was outside in capris (which is a little crazy) it is funny what a little sunshine will do! We found a little snow drift and she plopped herself right down in it.
Our curious little monkey checking it all out at first...
Going in for a closer look

A lot of the snow was melting, but it was still taller than she was! It was so great to go outside and enjoy the snow!

Best Buddies

Saturday night we had the Johnsons over for food, fun and scrapbooking. Riley and Shaun are like two peas in a pod...notice the similar outfits, the matching Macbooks and they both have an deep love for politics, ranch dressing and peanut butter....weird! SO while Emily and I enjoyed some scrapbooking, Riley and Shaun talked about politics and Apple products. I think that the next step will be friends forever bracelets. :) We are lucky to have such great friends! Thanks guys for hanging out with us!

Friday, February 8, 2008


I drove by this sign this morning and thought that it was hillarious, so I grabbed my camera and went back to take a picture. It is kinda faint, but it says "FREE SNOW, u haul" It just keeps snowing and snowing. The roads have all been closed because of all the snow and drifting snow. The picture below I thought was a good picture of just how much snow there is. I don't know how many feet, but it is a lot!

Monday, February 4, 2008

Okay, this is like the 5th time!

4 jobs I've had in my life...
I have been a Checker/Bagger at a Grocery store (where I came in First place in the “Best Bagger Compitition” and trained for state...with a joke. I was so embarassed! But I won bragging rights, a t-shirt and $100 which I spent on a cool new watch, so it was worth it!) Then I have worked as a Dental Hygiene Assistant, A Physical Therapy Aid, and a Hair Stylist.

5 places I've been...
Caribbean, Belgium, France, Holland, Germany....I have lived everywhere!

4 favorite foods......I love sugar snap peas, I could eat them all day long! Raw red peppers, cheese, and strawberries.

3 people I'd like to get to know better... There are a lot of people I would love to know better. But I think the first three that come to mind are Riley’s younger brothers, Wyatt, Max and Sam. They are so fun and each of them are so different and I don’t get to see them very often.

4 reasons I love being me... Well I love that I have a great family and that I married into a great family. You can’t ask for more than that. My kids will have wonderful grandparents on both sides who love them very much. I love my husband, he works so hard to be the best he can be and it inspires me to be a better person. I love Ava and that I get to be her mom and spend all day getting to know her and love her. It is tough, but I love it and am grateful for it. I love that I have been given so much in my life and that everything I wanted to do I could do and that those experiences have shaped my life. My life has turned out better than I could ever imagine and I am so happy!

4 classes I wish were offered to me and could participate in... I want to take anatomy classes again. I don’t think that I appreciated that class when I took it in school, and I would love to take it again (minus the cadaver lab...yuck!) I want to learn to dance, I would love to take a class in like political science. Riley is really into that and I would like to be a better informed citizen. Also I miss institute classes. Those would be nice to have every once in a while.

4 friends I want to tag... hmmm...well Cassie (she actually responded last time!) Erin, and Ashli I will keep doing this till you participate..:) and My mom She likes these kinda things I think!