I have a big announcement. If you read the post when I got tagged again and it talked about my favorite book. Well I have something you all should know...WE WENT TO THE LIBRARY! On Saturday we went to the library and Riley, Ava and I all got some books. I got a parenting book, so I don't screw up my kid too badly, and I got a book on exercise physiology. I think that I am just a nerd and instead of liking books that have great stories, I like informative books, like text books are my favorite! So I am reading! I am going to be a good example to Ava and try to always have some kind of book around. Maybe she will love to read. (I didn't even get that out of my parenting book...man I'm good! jk)
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
Rexburg Temple Open House
The dedication was suposed to be this weekend, but with the passing of President Hinkley, they postponed it a week. We are so Grateful for President Hinkley and his service. We will miss him very much, but are so happy for him as well. He is now back with his wife, whom he missed so dearly. He lived a great life and really made a difference. He is a great example for everyone on how to make the world a better place and really excelling to the end. We are grateful for temples and the opportunity they give us to be together as families forever! We love our family and wouldn't want it any other way!

Posted by The Crebs Family at 8:56 AM 4 comments
Fun Weekend

Posted by The Crebs Family at 8:24 AM 1 comments
Superbowl Sunday!
SO... Sunday we thought it would be so fun to have friends over and have a little Superbowl party. We invited some friends, and they don't follow sports much either, but thought it was a good excuse to have a party, so they were in and said they would invite some friends. The plan was so have some food and play some games and just happen to have the Superbowl on in the background, since that was the excuse for the party. Well Sunday morning Emily called and said..."We are so excited to come over, but did you know the Superbowl isn't today?" I guess the other couple they invited actually watch sports and so they knew it wasn't Superbowl Sunday. They even knew which teams will be playing in the Superbowl! Amazing huh.
Well we got a good laugh and had a fun party anyway! I guess we will just have to have another one this weekend! :)
I thought that my family, being the fanatics about sports that they are, would find that especially funny. I guess I didn't get that gene. Oh well, I still like parties!
Posted by The Crebs Family at 8:15 AM 1 comments
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
Here we go again!
I have been tagged by my sister Tamar
Book: Hmm...read? I have never really liked to read for “fun”. I wish that I liked it more. I try to read with Ava so that she will like to read. I think it is important to read, I just don’t like to do it.
Movie: Black Beards Ghost. I love when they have the shooting scene with their fingers..
Color: I love Brown. Everything my whole life has been brown.
TV shows: All time favorite is What not to Wear. I love Stacey and Clinton. I also like Paula Dean, she’s only the best cook ever! So Food Network or TLC (CNN when Riley is home) is what is usually on.
Guilty Pleasures: I love frozen York peppermint patties. I have to agree with Tamar on the nap thing. I love to cuddle Ava and take a nap with her. I also love to turn on our heated mattress pad an hour before bed on full blast so it is nice and toasty when I get in it!
Outfit:Who knows. I have become the frumpiest stay at home mom. I love fashion, but we are too poor for new clothes, so I just put on whatever is actually clean! Sometimes it matches, sometimes it doesn’t. I try to at least take a shower and do my hair and make-up.
Body part: Hmm....this one is hard. I don’t like much, but I guess my eyes are okay. People seem to compliment those a lot.
Kitchen tip: Now were talkin! I love the kitchen. Get a good pair of tongs....use chicken stock instead of butter and salt in a lot of things, and when you have to cook meat, cook it in Vinegarettes instead of oil. It browns it and flavors it at the same time...what else....I could go on forever!
Life lesson: Love Love Love! It is so important to just love. Look at the good things in everyone and it is easier to love them. Laugh a lot and never take things too seriously. It is just life.
Activity: I love to go to the gym at night after Ava is asleep. Then I get to come home, tidy up the house and take a shower without a little girl crying at me. It is my favorite part of the day.
Food: I like cheese. Cheese is good on everything!
Child raising tip: Show them you love them and tell them that too. Spend time just playing and loving. It makes Ava so much happier when we just play together.
Pet peeve: Amen Tamar on the lateness. I HATE that! Someone once said, “when you show up late it is as if you are saying to everyone else, my time is more important than yours.” I thought that was deep....
Game: Catch Phrase as long as I am on Riley’s team. He is so funny!
Tattoo: Have you noticed how often I change my blog....my furnature set up....I have a issue with things that are too permanent....Tattoo, never! I would get sick of it in like a week!
Element: well I like Oxygen, that one always comes in handy.
I tag....Erin, Camille, Ashli and Cassie
Posted by The Crebs Family at 8:51 AM 4 comments
Sunday, January 20, 2008
Finally a little help...
Posted by The Crebs Family at 6:59 PM 4 comments
Thursday, January 17, 2008
Sneak Peak at what an explosion looks like

Posted by The Crebs Family at 9:07 PM 3 comments
Saturday, January 12, 2008
Ava's little trick....
Well a glorious thing has happened because of all the throwing up that has been going on at our house this last week (and no it is not that I lost 10 pounds, that would be way too nice!) Ava has hit a point in her young life that I never thought would happen. She has now learned how to throw up on command. She can just start gagging and then stare at me and throw up. It's just that easy now. She doesn't even need to use her fingers like most bulimics! Lets take dinner last night, for example, we were finally having a real dinner. No one had the flu anymore and I was feeling 100%, so I cooked a nice dinner and we sat down at the table. Just after our first bite there she goes....she didn't like dinner, so she stares at me and starts throwing up down her shirt. I thought, can't we just have a normal meal that doesn't involve anyone throwing up!! I guess for now it is too much to ask.
These are the wonderful memories we are now living for! Who needs an exotic trip to Africa when family dinner can be so interesting!
Posted by The Crebs Family at 2:38 PM 6 comments
Wednesday, January 9, 2008
Poor Baby....

Pictures say a thousand words, and I thought that this was certainly the case. Poor Ava has been so sick lately. She was never sick as a baby, but with all the traveling and snow, I think her little body just couldn't take it. She got a cold while we were on vacation, then was better for about a day...she got her one year vaccinations on Friday, and has been so sick! She hasn't eaten anything since Saturday morning.
She is watching the Wiggles right now and that is about all she can do without crying. She is also getting her last few teeth, and I hear those are the worst ones, so we have had a great new year!! :)
Riley started his new semester today, and was sick. Poor guy!
Hope everyone's new year is better than ours! :)
Posted by The Crebs Family at 9:49 AM 2 comments
Thursday, January 3, 2008
Christmas in Utah

Posted by The Crebs Family at 9:21 PM 0 comments
Christmas Morning

Posted by The Crebs Family at 9:07 PM 2 comments
Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Posted by The Crebs Family at 6:06 PM 2 comments