Thursday, December 20, 2007

Ava's a Year Old!

Today was Ava's 1st Birthday! We are up in North Idaho for the Holidays and had some friends over and some cake and presents. She loved everything about her birthday. She is so big. I can't believe how time flies. She is walking everywhere, getting in to everything and starting to say more words. I love how amazing things are through her eyes. Everything to her is so amazing and special. I love to watch her discover things. We are so grateful for her! We couldn't ask for a better little girl! Here is a look back on our first year! ENJOY!

Thursday, December 6, 2007

New Toothbrush

Ava got a new toothbrush today, and it has become her favorite toy. She has chewed on it all day. I thought that her Uncle Trevor would be so proud! She will be one of your best patients for sure! She is getting her eye teeth in, and so I think that it must have felt extra good on her gums. At least this is something that I am not paranoid about her having in her mouth!

Monday, December 3, 2007


Tonight for FHE we went caroling. Yes, mom and dad, I went caroling. I know that I gave you a hard time growing up about how I didn't want to go caroling and how we always ended up making fools of mind flashes back to the time when dad fell on the ice chasing after our neighbors who then almost ran him over....the time we saw another neighbor in his undies....and the many times that we were almost killed by various guard dogs....Oh and who could forget the time the lady opened the door and told us to be quiet...classic!
Riley and I are the FHE leaders for our group and we had a request for our activity this month to be caroling. So we made some Christmas goodies and set out into the Rexburg night....
This is some of our group (The cool ones who showed up!) From left to right, there is Cassie & York, Aubrie & Thomas and down front is us!

Ava got to hitch a ride on Riley. She is getting to be quite the walker now, but she isn't fast enough to keep up with us, so we squeezed her in the baby Bjorn, which we have to retire when she gains a few more pounds and off we were. She loved caroling!

This is a photo of the group in action. We had a great time kicking off the Christmas season!

We hope everyone has a fun season!

Saturday, December 1, 2007

How many Alphabet Letters can You stick in your mouth??

Ava got some new alphabet letters and numbers and she loves to play with them. 'Playing' means pulling them off the fridge and on to the floor as fast as she can, as well as seeing how many she can stick in her mouth. Luckily, they are so big she can't choke, but I still get nervous about everything going in the mouth all the time.

Here is Ava's tag. She looks so funny in the picture like she is a tough gangster marking her territory. What a sweet little girl :)

These were Riley's contributions.... Poo, cleverly made with the letter 8 turned sideways, and SMRT, which is supposed to me smart. Now this is proof, in referring back to the last post about me marrying a younger who thinks the word Poo is hilarious! At least he fits in with the other boys in my family!

Now how many letter do you think you can fit in your mouth? Ava got to 4! What a talented child we have.

The U is her favorite by far. It fits in so nicely! What a cutie!