Sunday, July 29, 2007

Hayden Lake

A few of Ava's favorite things include taking walks and going to the lake, so Sunday after dinner we decided to take a little walk down the the lake with my mom. Even though we weren't really in "photographing" shape, we decieded to take a few pictures anyway. You will notice Ava still has dinner on her shirt and some in her hair, but at least she still looks cute! We only had our video camera with us, so the pictures are kinda dark, but they work!

We hope everyone is having a great summer!!

Friday, July 20, 2007

Golfin with Grandpa

Tonight is the 100 year celebration at the Hayden Lake Country Club so all the members are dressing up like 1907 golfers and having a party. My mom went back to St. Louis with my sister for a while, so Ava was my dad's date. She was loving his outfit and kept staring at his hat and bow tie. It was really cute. Grandkids are the one thing more important than golf!
He's not kidding either. These pictures were all taken in the "Golf Room." The whole room has pictures, balls, flags and scorecards of courses he's played and gone too. Someone's a little obsessed :)
Nice Nikers!

Thursday, July 19, 2007

Day at the Beach

The day before the cousins left, Tamar and I took them downtown to Lake Coeur d'Alene. Ava still isn't sure about the water, allthough she is getting much better. But loves to watch her cousins play.
Here's Abby and Emma playing in the sand. They love the beach, and left yesterday for California to go to the real beach! Ava catching some rays in the sunshine.
After the beach we took the girls to the park. I put Ava in the swing and she loved it. She was laughing and giggling. It was so cute!
Here's another cute one of little Ava. She is such a sweetheart and so much fun!

Tuesday, July 17, 2007


These past few weeks have been really fun for Ava, having a ton of family around. Her cousins really know how to keep her entertained. Here are a few cute pictures...This is Ava and her cousin Atlas. They are 6 weeks apart. This was the first time Ava was around all the cousins and she couldn't stop smiling. I bet you can't tell which kid is from Sunny Las Vegas and which one is from North Idaho..... Here's Ava and Ashlyn playing in the game room. Really they just like to play with whatever the other one has.
This is my Aunt Amy (even though she is only 5 years older than me) and her little boy, Tytan. Tytan and Ava go on walks together in the morning (Well get pushed while their moms walk) and have become pretty good friends.
Here is Abby and Payson in the Rasberry bushes in Grandma's backyard. This was a favorite activity of the kids every morning.
And here is cute little Abby getting her first hair cut. All she really cared about was having the clippies in her hair. She loved the clippies, but soon found out that they don't feel so good on things like lips and ears.... Ouch! She was my best client yet!!
We love our family and cousins and we miss you all when you are gone! Thanks for the great visit!!

Saturday, July 14, 2007

Bath Time!

Here is Ava during her bath time that she loves!! She is getting so big! She has 6 teeth now! It is amazing how fast the time goes. Enjoy the cute pictures!!
She is offeting to wash her daddy's hair too!

What a cutie!

Monday, July 9, 2007

4th of July!!

For the 4th of July we went to see the parade in downtown Coeur d'Alene. It was so hot, we cut out early for some slurpees!! Ava with her cousins Emma (on the Left) and Abby. She loves her cousins, especially cause they play picaboo with her!Ava and Riley watching the parade in the shade.
This is Ava and her Aunt Tamar, she loves her cause she gave her a water bottle!! Those are her favorite!
Here is Ava and her Grandpa Griffitts getting ready for the parade!!
We hope that you all had a safe and happy 4th of July!!
(After all what could possibly go wrong on a holiday you celebrate with explosives and alcohol!! :)

Family Reunion

This week we had a Griffitts family reunion (Lindsay's dad's family). People came from all over, but mostly California, and we had a great time. The weather was great (as you might notice from the sunburns) and we had a blast. We have a big one like this about every three years.
On Sunday Grandma Griffitts made all her grandkids clothes. The material was all the same, just different colors. They all looked so cute!!
Abby (in purple) and Emma (in pink) are my brother's kids, they came from Philadelphia. Payson (in green) and Ashlyn (in yellow) are my sister's kids and they came from St. Louis, and then there is cute little Ava (in blue) who will be an only child for a while !! :)

This is Abby, she 2 1/2. When she smiles her eyes always close. I thought that it was just so cute. She is a funny little girl!
This is a picture of the entire family. There were about 102 of us, and there were still families missing!
This is a picture of our smaller family. We are missing my Uncle Jeremy, who is serving in Iraq, my little sister, who is on a mission in Peru, and my cousin's husband, Brent.
Here is a cute on of Riley and Ava. We were all just hanging out, having dinner and getting ready to dance!!
This is a picture of my mom, my sister Heather, and her little baby Ashlyn and my cousin Alyssa.
Here is a cute on of Ashlyn. She is a month older than Ava and came from St. Louis to visit. Ava wasn't too sure about her at first, but I think they will be pretty good friends!

The Lake!

This was Ava's first time at the Lake. The weather has been pretty hot (and it has to be to want to get in the's freezing!) So we decided to go to Hayden Lake for a bit and see if Ava would like it. She loves laying in the sun, but wasn't too sure about the water part....
This is the face she made when we put her feet in
This is a great picture of Riley's nice farmers tan!! :)