These past few weeks have been really fun for Ava, having a ton of family around. Her cousins really know how to keep her entertained. Here are a few cute pictures...

This is Ava and her cousin Atlas. They are 6 weeks apart. This was the first time Ava was around all the cousins and she couldn't stop smiling. I bet you can't tell which kid is from Sunny Las Vegas and which one is from North Idaho.....

Here's Ava and Ashlyn playing in the game room. Really they just like to play with whatever the other one has.

This is my Aunt Amy (even though she is only 5 years older than me) and her little boy, Tytan. Tytan and Ava go on walks together in the morning (Well get pushed while their moms walk) and have become pretty good friends.

Here is Abby and Payson in the Rasberry bushes in Grandma's backyard. This was a favorite activity of the kids every morning.

And here is cute little Abby getting her first hair cut. All she really cared about was having the clippies in her hair. She loved the clippies, but soon found out that they don't feel so good on things like lips and ears.... Ouch! She was my best client yet!!
We love our family and cousins and we miss you all when you are gone! Thanks for the great visit!!