This weekend was Ironman Coeur d'Alene. It is a triathalon, they start by swimming 2.6 miles, then bike 112 miles and end with a full marathon. The bike course went behind my parents house, so a bunch of us got together and cheered them on. The were over 2,500 atheletes!
We would cheer and shout as they went by and some gave us high fives, and cheered back, it was amazing to see these atheletes. They had to bike the course twice, so we got to see them when they hadn't hit the hills yet and when they were going back for round two and they were still smiling!
Ava got scared at first from all the noise, but later loved to watch the bikers go by.
My mom and some of my cousins stood on the oposite side of the road to cheer the bikers. 
It was amazing and so inspiring to see these atheletes.

We love it when Ironman comes to town!