Monday, June 25, 2007

Ironman Coeur d'Alene

This weekend was Ironman Coeur d'Alene. It is a triathalon, they start by swimming 2.6 miles, then bike 112 miles and end with a full marathon. The bike course went behind my parents house, so a bunch of us got together and cheered them on. The were over 2,500 atheletes!
We would cheer and shout as they went by and some gave us high fives, and cheered back, it was amazing to see these atheletes. They had to bike the course twice, so we got to see them when they hadn't hit the hills yet and when they were going back for round two and they were still smiling! Ava got scared at first from all the noise, but later loved to watch the bikers go by.
My mom and some of my cousins stood on the oposite side of the road to cheer the bikers.
It was amazing and so inspiring to see these atheletes.
We love it when Ironman comes to town!

Thursday, June 21, 2007

Homework Break!

Ava and I thought that it would be fun to give daddy a homework break......
So we took some silly pictures on his computer. Ava was just staring at the screen, thinking how crazy we were.

Oh my, what an atractive family huh!

Monday, June 18, 2007

Riley's Birthday!!

Monday was Riley's 25th Birthday!
He got some fun new things and we enjoyed the afternoon with family.
He gota new chess set and him and my dad played chess....
Riley with his new razor.
...and the chess game continued...
I made Riley his favorite Reeses peanut butter ice cream cake.
He blew them all out...on the first try!
He got a new book on how to make programs on his Mac and by the end of the afternoon he had made a program! I tried it out and it works!! What a cute little computer nerd.
Ava sat on his lap once again for present time. (She loves the wrapping paper)
Here is an actual picture of me and Ava, as per Ashli's request.
Another cute one of Ava...I know it's Riley's day, but I couldn't resist.
Here is Ava getting the cake ready in the kitchen with Grandma and Grandpa Griffitts (Lindsay's Parents)

Father's Day

Sunday was Riley's First Father's Day!!
Ava had a great time hanging out with ther Dad and Grandpa Steve.
She watched Golf with her Grandpa Steve in the afternoon...
But got board soon...I don't blame her!
She helped Riley open his gift.
Ava and I made Riley a blanket with pictures of him and Ava on it.
It was a fun day and we love our daddy!!

Thursday, June 14, 2007

Utah Trip

Ava took her first plane ride and we went to visit Riley's family in Salt Lake City when she was three months old. We had a great time and Ava loved getting to meet everyone. Ava with her Uncle Max, Uncle Wyatt, Grandpa Zane, Uncle Sam and her dad.
Ava and her Grandpa Zane
Ava and her Uncles, Wyatt, Max and Sam.

Ava with her uncles.... Sam and Wyatt
She also met her Great Great Grandma Evalyn (Riley's Great Grandma) when we went up to Salt Lake for the day.
Ava and Riley at Temple Square.
Ava got cuddled and rocked to sleep by her Grandma Heidi
Her Uncle Sam took very good care of her!


Ain't that right!
Ava in her favorite toy.
She is getting so big so fast. She is sitting up now!
She loves to eat her toes, and I caught her doing it!