
dementia, communities & environments

Our Creative Spaces in the Community project is using the outdoors and nature-focused activities to build social networks, foster independence and enhance the physical and mental health of older people living with dementia in rural communities in Cornwall.

We'll be using this section as a place to generally share our thoughts on dementia and those it affects, including relevant projects, events, activities etc. If we've read it, written it, seen it or heard it and we think it should be 'out there' then here's where we'll share it.

Showing posts with label young people. Show all posts
Showing posts with label young people. Show all posts

Cause for Celebration!

More events, more activities, more community engagement, more everything!
It’s so exciting to be able to kick off the new year with great news. Ok, so it's a few weeks in but bear with me.....
New funding from the Big Lottery’s Reaching Communities Fund will enable us to build on the success of Creative Spaces project and to support more people living with dementia in isolated communities in Cornwall.  We cannot be more pleased and excited at the Sensory Trust!
Our aptly named Creative Spaces in the Community project will run for 4 years.  During that time we will work directly with older people with dementia, helping them to enhance their physical and mental wellbeing by maintaining an active life within their community. 
We’ll still use successful tried and tested techniques; involving young people in inter-generational activities, making the most of outdoor environments and nature-focused activities.  In addition, service providers such as local libraries and businesses will be involved, helping them to better understand the issues associated with living with dementia at home. For example, a short trip to a library or local shop can easily turn into a miserable or anxious time if support and understanding within the community isn’t there to help prevent issues from arising.  
The project will also allow us to evaluate and demonstrate the positive impact that these and other elements of the project will have on the physical and mental well-being of people living with dementia. 
The project begins in March and we’re looking forward to the journey ahead; to meeting old friends and making new ones, switching on some metaphoric light bulbs, watching new friendships form and working with individuals and organizations who are also passionate about and want to improve the quality of life for people living with dementia, their carers and families.

If you’re not aware of the previous 4 years of work, through the Creative Spaces project then click HERE to follow the link through to the project page where you can find out more, watch films and pick up some free downloads of activity and fact sheets.

A few memories from Creative Spaces

Sensory Christmas ideas

Season's Greetings!

If you find yourself at a loss over the Christmas/New Year holidays why not take time out away from the usual routine and have a go at some of our seasonal activities?  They're ideal for getting all the family involved.

It's not too late to hang some home-made spiced 'razzle dazzle' to the Christmas tree with glittery round oases pinned with chillies and star anise;  hang sliced and dried oranges with bundles of cinnamon too and bring some sensory seasonal smells indoors.

Going out on a walk?  collect twigs, leaves, pine cones and make a Nature Mobile - something the whole family can join in with.  You can add bits and pieces from home too; cinnamon sticks, holly/ivy from the garden, left-over cranberries etc. Whatever you like.

And let's not forget food for the garden birds.  A home-made bird food ladder not only helps the robins and finches etc but adds a splash of colour to your garden too - guaranteed a conversation 'starter'!

You can use up old bits of fruit such as apples and pears and berries, bread, popcorn, bacon rind etc.  Just string them along some garden wire and wrap it around both ends of several twigs as you go along.

There are lots of ideas and activity sheets on our website; just click HERE 

We hope you have a wonderful, creative, enjoyable, sensory-rich Christmas and New Year!


In a nutshell

With the doors finally closed on the Creative Spaces project, reflecting on what has been an amazing 4 years is a natural part of the process.

Articles summarising the last year of the project will be forthcoming on our website (an evaluation report for Years 1 – 3 is already on there).  In the meantime it's been useful to ‘download’ project highlights from my own little grey cells.  As you would expect, there’s a lot to tease out and too much to put in this blog, but here are some snippets:

Intergenerational activities
The young people involved had little trouble accepting older people with dementia.  The skills they gained in dementia awareness and communication helped, but it was through the intergenerational activities that they really connected with each other. 

The stories
These were such a powerful element of the project.  For example, there were accounts about family life, friends, growing up, outdoor experiences , jobs and hobbies.  All inspired by  the outdoors and/or nature-based activities. Stories were shared by a master bookbinder, a couple who had lived all around the world and a Cornish Bard, to name but a few from the many people involved. People who discovered an affinity through shared experiences and better understanding and helped to enrich each others lives.   

Supporting carers 
Home carers living in rural areas in particular need improved support to access local groups and organisations.   Our community workshops and events both highlighted and helped address this issue.  We met people who were desperate to find social support and the confidence to try activities that enriched their lives and removed feelings of isolation and depression.  For many, the fortnightly trip to their memory cafe was the only social occasion they had.

So in a nutshell, get creative with dementia care; organise intergenerational activities, make better use of outdoor environments, use natural materials to create meaningful activities and keep costs down, stimulate social interaction for those diagnosed with dementia and their carers.  Trust me, you'll be on to a winner.


Project Manager


November's been busy for Creative Spaces.

Our presentation on the project and the Dementia Uncovered films at the Congress went really well.  I wasn't sure what to expect so was truly happy when our presentation, including the two films - Quietness on such a scale and Skin - were well received.  In fact I'm sure there was a definite increase in presentations that focused on outside environments and outdoor-related activities at this conference compared to last year's and that fills me with a lot of hope.

About a week later we had a screening of the films at the Cornish Film Festival in front of an audience that included artists, film makers, educators and professionals in the area of inclusive communities and dementia care. Our panel consisted of myself, Rose from FEAST, a community arts based organisation in Cornwall that funded the project, and 4 of the film makers.  It was deeply moving to see the films on the 'Big Screen' and to hear all the positive comments afterwards.  In fact the feedback was so positive we're looking at entering them into other film festivals; possibly even international.

Talking of which.......

The films have received attention in Canada after a short article was submitted to the Canadian Dementia Knowledge Translation Network (CDKTN).  They included it in their November e-newsletter with a link to the films on YouTube.  Thanks for that CDKTN - very much appreciated!

If you haven't seen the Dementia Uncovered films yet you can view the show reel and/or all six individually HERE

Now that we are focusing on supporting home carers and people living with dementia in their own homes we've been working with Memory Cafes around Cornwall in testing out some of our new resources.  The feedback so far has been very positive and carers are now starting to use the activities at home in-between their memory cafe sessions.  The new activities are not yet public but keep an eye on this blog, we'll be letting you know when they are.

A series of larger community events will be held next year in Cornwall where participants will receive free resource packs that will include activities and activity fact sheets to help them at home so it's important that we produce quality resources and that they do benefit and support those living at home with dementia.

Finally, I have news on another film.....this one is about the project itself and is simply called 'Creative Spaces...Dementia, Community and Environment'.  We, and the young people from Penrice College, have been filming on and off for the past 3 years and have put together a film about the processes and activities we used to help Trevarna's residents to re-engage with their community.  At the moment we only have a link from here to our YouTube channel, but shortly you'll be able to watch the film on our website.

So why not  grab a cup of something hot (or not!), a plate of something yummy, put your feet up and enjoy the film?  Click HERE to view.

Trevarna care staff were interviewed by young people
involved in making the film

Back with more updates soon; keep watching!

Project Manager