Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Our little wicked witch!

How can you not just eat her up! She's so dang cute!

She's looking more and more like me when I was about 6 months old!

Green Babies Rule!

For Halloween, Emma gets to be the green baby...picture will be later (we want to avoid the spit up for as long as possible!) We LOVE LOVE LOVE Wicked and can't wait until next year when we can see it again on BROADWAY!!!

Getting There!

Todd hung the pegboard on one of the walls last night for the store. We started hanging the inventory...but ran out of pegs! Guess we will have to make a stop at Home Depot today!

The fixtures for the paper should be here on Friday so all the paper will be put away then. Still waiting on the workstation and the workshop tables...but we are making progress! We'll keep you posted! The Itty Bitty Scrap Shack is coming right along!

Saturday, October 27, 2007

Isn't my mom the best photographer?!

Or maybe Em and I are just really photogenic...or maybe both?? I love this girl. She has made me a mom and I have loved it! (Could have done without the colic...but I still love her!)

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Our 16lb Baby!

This is Emma sitting in her daddy's he is wearing it too. Emma is 16lbs as of yesterday at her checkup and she is 24 1/2 inches long. She is eating veggies now and LOVES her sweet potatoes! We love them too...just not when she blows them out of her mouth onto our faces as we feed her. The joys of parenting!!!

Sneak Peak at the Craft Show this weekend!

In between Emma throwing up from her shots yesterday (she had an allergic reaction) to dealing with Saydie and her pink eye...I managed to get a rough draft of my layout for the show this weekend done in my kitchen...and I made homemade chicken noodle soup and homemade bread...okay the breadmaker made the bread and soup is in the crockpot, but I added all the ingredients! I'm so excited for the show. This is the start of something BIG!

Sunday, October 21, 2007

She loves her Exer-Saucer!

Emma loves to sit in her exer-saucer. She loves to touch the bottom and actually pushes off so that she's standing. It is really helping her to sit up, especially since this little girl hates to be on her tummy, those back muscles need to be exercised!

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Our new series...

During the past 4 weeks we have grown really close to the staff at Dunder Mifflun. We feel extremely close to Dwight Shrout. It has been hilarious!!! Never a dull moment in that office!

Last family picture in our hotel room!

Today is our last day in the Residence Inn! We couldn't be more excited to get out of here and get home! We have been away for far too long!

This girl loves her bath time!

That smile is to die for!!

Queen for the Day!

This is our King Size bed at the Residence Inn and Emma loves to lay in the middle, propped up by all of the pillows and look around. She has grown so much in the past 4 weeks that we have been here. She is ready to play in her "Exersaucer" when we get home! She is sitting up (still not by herself) but she is a lot more balanced and she loves to "flirt" with everyone!! She has a cute coy expression that just melts peoples hearts! We sure love this girl!

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Itty Bitty Scrap Shack

I updated IBSS's blog...the link is to the right! Check it out! I have some really cool projects and workshops coming up!

Sunday, October 07, 2007

We love naked babies!!

How can you not just go crazy over a smile like this?
Emma already has a sweet tooth, thanks to her daddy. Here she is sucking on a red gummy bear...
She's found her belly button and when her shirt is off, she just can't stop playing with it.
Emma has also learned how to blow bubbles in her slobber. She is the cutest baby I know...although I am biased!