Wednesday, November 26, 2008

What a wonderful start to a birthday!

What a GREAT start to my birthday. Yesterday I was blessed to open two beautiful birthday cards that came in the mail. One from my baby sister, Mandy and one from my dear, sweet dad & stepmom! To top it off, I got some WW coupons from my sweet friend and fellow CTMH sister, Kisha!

This morning I was blessed with a call from my baby sister, a call from my oldest stepdaughter, Lacy, a message on my facebook from a sweet friend (and CTMH sister), Kari, a post to the consultant bulletin boards titled "Happy Birthday Tammy Pinchard" from yet another dear, sweet friend (and CTMH sister) Lisa! Lisa also sent me a text message to wish me a Happy Birthday.

So, despite being at work on my birthday, it is going well! This bouquet of roses is so beautiful and fragrant, my office smells WONDERFUL! How can I not be smiling from ear to ear! Thank you everyone for making my day so special!

Saturday, November 22, 2008

WW Weigh in...........Week 8

Here we go again, another week went by that I just COULD NOT motivate myself to get moving. What is wrong with me? I have to make a promise to ME that I will move this week. It will be a VERY tough one since my birthday is Wednesday and Thanksgiving is Thursday.

Our tradition for my birthday is to go out to Texas Roadhouse, or someplace like that, for a nice Prime Rib dinner. So, my sweet friend (and fellow CTMH Consultant) Cindy recommended that I not skip my traditional dinner, but instead ask for a to go box and cut it in half! Then I have my favorite treat for another meal as well and I am not over doing it!

Thanksgiving will be yet another evil venture. Grandma's Old Fashioned Baked Beans, Stuffing, Desserts galore. I am blessed to have my cousin Peggy Sue's birthday only four days before mine, so Auntie Peggy usually does things up right and has more cake that we could possibly eat.

Now, for my weekly report. Even though I didn't discipline myself to get moving, I did manage a loss of 0.8 lbs, brining my total so far to 16.4 lbs. Not too shabby. My fellow CTMH girls and I have an ongoing post on our bulletin board to support each other through our weight loss, and my dear friend Cindy keeps reminding me that this is a marathon, not a sprint!

So, another successful week in the loss column, now to get MOVING! Wish me luck, I need it!

Monday, November 17, 2008

Baby Announcements

Yeah!! My dear, sweet friend Brenda and her husband Tom just had their first baby! I promised Brenda I would make her the baby announcements for her to mail out. I have just finished them!

I cannot even begin to say how happy I am for the two of them. Brenda just turned 41 in September, and I have know her for 18 years. I always knew she would be a wonderful Mommy, and now she is! I cried when she told me she was pregnant.........and now that little Benjamin is here, I am tearing up all over again! I sure hope she likes them!

Love you Brenda!!!

Friday, November 14, 2008

WW Weigh in...........Week 7

Well, I didn't get moving this week as far as additional exercise, but it was VERY busy at the shop. I did a lot of running back and forth from one end of the building to the other, which I think helps me to lose. I HAVE TO get myself motivated this upcoming week to get exercise into my crazy, busy schedule!

I did lose again this week, so that is a plus! I am down 2.6 lbs again (same amount as last week) bringing my total to 15.6 lbs so far! I'm still not feeling like I am losing, but I'm happy to see the numbers getting smaller on the scale and larger on the "lost" column of the spreadsheet I am keeping.

Here's to another good week!

My Advertising INSTALLED

I installed it this morning!!! Should have taken the picture BEFORE I drove to work and got it all dirty, but I think it's cute! Hopefully it will get the questions coming and help me to make new contacts.

I had a lot of fun playing with my Cricut Expressions to make all the pink vinyl that I added to this.

Advertising my business.......

Well, it's past midnight and I made the mistake earlier of drinking an XS Energy Drink, LOL. So, I am up working on some advertising for my Close To My Heart business. Tell me, what do you think? Is the Stamping & Scrapbooking too large? Or do you think it will draw more attention to the actual contact information? I'm not sure what to think, and will take more pictures when I have it stretched over the spare tire on my SUV. Hmmmmmm.................I would have liked to use more of a light purple since that is the color of the Close To My Heart logo on my newsletters, but I only had pink vinyl. I think it really pops nicely on the black though.
Well, better get to bed, 6:00 am will come fast! Thank goodness it's Friday! Oh, I have to weigh in again when I get up. Check back in to see how I did!

Friday, November 7, 2008

WW Weigh in...........Week 6

My goal for last week was to make it out of the 270's...........I'm proud to say, I did just that! I weighed in this morning at 269.4! My total so far............13.0 lbs.

I do have to say that I'm not feeling much like I am really losing yet, maybe because I have so much to lose. But, I do notice my pants are a little looser, and so is my work shirt. These are good things! Slow & steady so that it will have a better chance of staying off!

I'm glad to say that Lane and LucasJon have been right by my side with trying to be more healthy and lose weight this week, which has made it easier on me. We are no longer arguing over what should be for dinner because I want to be healthy and they didn't care!

My next goal is to try to get into the 250's by my birthday this month on the 26th!! What a great birthday present to myself that would be! Oh, and the pink font is because I am tickled pink to be losing weight successfully!

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

WW Weigh in...........Week 5

Sorry this post is late, I weigh in on Fridays.

Alright, so not a great loss this week, only 0.2 lb for a total of 10.4 lbs so far, but still a loss. This week was insane though, I didn't get all of my water in for sure. I have my little grandson Anthony here with me at work, so it was hard to take care of me since he needs me to take care of him.

But, I did great this weekend and continue to do well. Lane has hopped on board with trying to lose again, so that makes things MUCH easier when it comes to meals and so on. We are not butting heads with me trying to lose weight and him not caring whether he gained or not.

I behaved well this past weekend and instead of gaining like I usually do, and then battle the week to lose that weight and more, I actually went down this weekend. I am looking forward to a nice loss this week (hopefully). I so want to say goodbye to the 270's. That is my goal, I hope I make it!!

I am FINALLY starting to feel my clothes get looser, at least my work clothes. Some of my others were VERY snug, so it will be awhile before I notice any wiggle room in them! But, it is a good feeling!

Grandma's "FlyBaby"


Being Grandparents is AWESOME!

Being Grandparents is AWESOME!

Grandpa's Buddy

Grandpa's Buddy