This paper pieced flying geese block has been one of my favorites for a long time. (There are a million beautiful versions of it but this one and this one are personal favs!) I've just been too busy too chicken to actually try it. That is one of the great things about joining a virtual quilting bee, though. You are forced to step out of your comfort zone more often than not.
I was a wee bit scared when Sheetal announced it as her pick for our May Bee Vintage Block. But I dove in...and I'm happy to report there were no tears, no bad words, and only minimal amounts of seam ripping involved. Not bad for a first attempt.
I actually made this red + white version as a tester to the vintage sheet one. I am going to use it in my quilt club anniversary quilt. I think I've mentioned that I'm asking for red and white blocks for that project. Won't that be so pretty? I think so...