Daelyn's first day of second grade. I can't believe how big she is getting.
Brendan was SO excited to start kindergarten. I took him to school and took some pictures of him and watched him play on the playground and he kept saying "BYE mom, isn't it time for you to go now" :( He is growing up so fast too!
Cameron is SO excited be in preschool! He has had such a hard time watching Daelyn and Brendan go to school and he wasn't able to. Now it is finally his turn!!
I was excited to have a little fun time for myself while all three kids were in school on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. However, it turns out that by the time that I drop off all three kids at their schools I have just enough time to get my allergy shots, since I have to wait at the clinic for thirty min. every time before they will let me leave just in case I stop breathing, every Monday and Wednesday. Then it is time to make the rounds and pick up kids. I guess that I don't have to try and control/entertain the boys while I get my shots done which I have to say is VERY nice. Oh and Fridays are short days (WHY is there a short day for kids in kindergarten? They are only there for two hours, do we really need to make that shorter???) so by the time I drop off Cam at preschool I have to go to Brendan's school and wait for 30 min. in the pick up line to get him. I am sure the day will come when I get an hour to myself to do something fun :) But as for now just call me "Taxi Mom" since that is all I do after they come home from school as well with all of their classes and practices and games. Fun times :)
Good Luck in school kids, Mom loves you very much and I know that you will have so much fun and learn lots this year!