Monday, April 15, 2013

Check it out!

I've recently posted 5 new posts on here, but I'm having issues syncing it to my Facebook account. So, this is a test. Follow the link and check out my blog posts ;-)

7 Years, Baby!

Shawn and I celebrated 7 years of marriage this last weekend. Our anniversary was actually the week before that, but we couldn't get away until Friday. We are WorldMark members, so we booked a weekend at their Midway Resort. 
Shawn started the day off by buying himself a motorcycle. Happy Anniversary to me... ;-)

The night we arrived, we got to ride the Heber Valley's "Chocolate Lovers" train. They had a violinist and a singer/guitarist playing live music, and served us chocolate treats throughout the ride.

I was taking a picture of the landscape and didn't notice these kids waving until after the fact...made us laugh.


This is the Montage Resort in Deer Valley that Shawn built.

The view from the back in an attempt to capture how ginormous it is.

Yup...he's all mine, ladies ;-)

Baby Animal Days

We got to go up to Heritage Park's Baby Animal Days with Aunt Shelly, Uncle Kellan, Abby, Bo, and Grandma Gibson. They beat us up there by about 45 minutes, but we made it just in time to find their place in the line and buy our tickets. It seemed really crowded, but we didn't have to wait very long to do the things we wanted (except ride the train).

I don't know why the goats kept hiding from Oakley...
Shortly after this picture, a goat came up and head butted Oakley off the rocks...I may have laughed a little...
Riding the train. Oakley was in the "Jail Cell" in the back of the train.
Watching sheep sheering the old fashioned way
Oakley had a lot of fun waiting in line to see the baby bears, and Taylor slept.
She woke up in a panic because another kid was screaming, but quickly discovered Christmas lights wrapped around the posts, and was back to her usual self.
He could have cared less about the bears, but he LOVED the turtles.

Oakley loved going so much that he STILL has that blue wristband on. He refuses to take it off  "incase we go back to the zoo." I've explained that it won't help us get in again, and that the "zoo" was only there for 3 days, but he still loves wearing it. Of course, he loves anything if his favorite cuz Abby is there!
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Oakley had his surgery the Friday before Easter. We had written to the Easter Bunny to see if there was any way he could visit us on a day that Oakley was feeling better. The day after his surgery, however, he seemed pretty much back to his normal self. So, I told him about the family Easter Hunt and asked if he was up for going...which he was.
I didn't really think about him overdoing it because the nurse had told us to expect a very speedy recovery. So, we wrote to the Easter Bunny again and told him thanks for being willing to come another day, but that Oakley was feeling a lot better. Well, he came, but Oakley had definitely overdone it the day before. He had zero energy and didn't show any interest in "hunting" until about 1pm. After that, he'd gather 2-3 eggs at a time, wait another hour or so before getting some more. 

Not quite big enough to help, but she sure enjoyed watching!
After dyeing raw eggs for his whole life, this was the 1st year Oakley broke an egg...not too shabby for a 4 yr old.
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My Baby's Surgery

My baby had to have surgery on March 29th...the day before all our Easter parties :( It was poor timing, but the surgeon we wanted was only at "our" hospital twice a month. If we cancelled, we would have had to wait another 2 weeks, which doesn't sound too terrible, but it is when you have a miserable 4 year old. He got his tonsils and adnoids removed, but he also had fat from his ear lobe grafted over a hole in his ear drum so that it repairs itself. We prepped him pretty well for all the preop stuff that was going to happen, but we avoided what it was going to be like after his operation for fear that he would really fight us going in to it. He was semi excited to go in...until the nurse started talking about what he was going to feel when he woke up. She was telling him about not pulling the IV out when he woke up (which he needed to hear...he ended up trying to pull it out a few times) and he kept trying to climb out of the bed saying that he would have the operation another day.

Luckily for us, a friend from the ward (and Oakley's Primary chorister) is a surgical tech and specializes in ENT. She made sure she was scheduled to work when he had his surgery, and introduced him to all of her friends there to help him. That definitely helped put him at ease.
Oakley and Daddy "watching" cartoons
He was a bit different coming out of surgery

 Oakley sure was a trooper during all of this. He did try to yank his IV out a few times when he was still coming out of the anaesthesia. He also freaked out a bit and tried to climb out of bed, into my arms while he was still hooked up to all the machines. They like patients to stay at the hospital for 1-2 hours after waking up. That's usually how long it takes for kids to start drinking fluids regularly again. Not Oakley. We were there almost 5 hours, and he was still refusing everything. They finally told us to just go home, and watch for any signs of dehydration.
I don't know where he could have gotten his stubborness from! ;-)
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