

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Make-up mess

So I opened up my make-up drawer the other day to get ready for the day and I was a little perplexed by what I found. You can not really tell but the mess in the drawer is what looked to be a hair like substance. I had a brief moment of panic before I realized that no one in my family has the same color of hair as what I had found all over in the drawer.

Alas, I was able to find the source of all of this extra decoration in my make-up drawer. Prepare yourself though what you are about to see is graphic and should only be viewed by adults.

That's right every single one of my make-up brushes have been given a haircut!!!!
The two that actually still have some bristles left are 1/2 their original height and the other were hacked off down to the nub!
Since I have no real proof of which one of my darling little angels perpetrated this crime I am unable to exact the kind of punishment I would like too. All three of them were treated to a slightly loud lecture on the importance of LEAVING OTHER PEOPLE'S THINGS ALONE!!!
I am about 90% certain it was Jake who got creative with the scissors but in true child like fashion he is blaming one of his brothers.
Raising children is soooo awesome!