theyre part of life, right?
i woke up with a sore lower back yesterday, i ignored it, it got worse and worse, then i faced facts and started babying it, treating it with ice and drugging myself heavily. by the time dinner was ready i felt so much better, and went to the Y and biked a mile while i waited for a free treadmill(it was raining, school is out this week, place was packed) then ran 4 miles! i felt excellent the entire time. felt good afterwards, drove home, showered, slept great through the night and woke up feeling decent thismorning. at about 11am i was helping Kendyl clean her room, bent down to pick up a toy, went to straighten up and BAM! the pain was INSANE and i was sweating profusely. it took my 10 minutes to even get out of the bedroom and get down the stairs. what a day it has been! Jenny, Konor, Jackson & Tim helped me all day and then Yogi's sister showed up(shes in town til tomorrow) and she helped with dishes and kitchen duty. Yogi came home and helped after work. im so blessed. I'm mad that i cant run tonight, it messes up my schedule, but tomorrow i may feel fine, who knows? Tim made fish tonight, it was amazing! he also lent me some of his hefty pain killers :) im on the mend!
The teen drama continues, but its a long story that i just dont feel like telling. no arrests lol. well, not Doug anyway. Jenny is doing very well here, other than the reefer. Konor is job hunting. Jack is enjoying vacation. kendyl misses school but is enjoying some fun playdates. on sunday, Yogi took the kids to the boston children's museum while i went to the baby shower, they had a blast, he took a few pics, but most are blurry.. i may post a few. what a cool place!
we lose our insurance on march 1st. private ins. won't touch jackson with a 10 foot pole, so it could get ugly. My physical is april 7th, the bill will be outrageous. but im going! i want to see my cholesterol numbers again(211 2 years ago- i want lower) and i want to come to a realistic goal weight with him and get his input about my BMI, my fitness goals(he was a runner for eons, until he had surgery on both nakles) my progress.... i have a list LOL. but... maybe he'll take pity on my financial situation. that would help immensely. im still at the 36 lb. loss right now, i usually only lose weight 2 weeks out of each month... long story
for American Idol, so far, i like Aaron Kelly :)
shawn fell asleep at 5pm tonight, i hope he sleeps through!
jackson has only peed the bed TWO times since he started that drug 6 weeks ago. BLISS, beyond explanation. those 2 nights, he was up waaay too late.
pain killers make me boring. sorry.
oh- the reason Corinne(Yogi's sister) is in town is because an uncle died, the 2 hour ride to and from the services(in lancaster NH) made it feel like date :) the after funeral party and food was lots of fun. best.cheesecake.ever. Tim, Jenny & konor babysat the kids and took them to Chuck E Cheese !!! they had so much fun. it was a busy weekend with the museum on sunday and CEC on Monday, they were overtired that night!
ShawnAlan has decided that naps are over rated. ah, well. he goes to bed earlier-although not usually as early as he did tonight, and hes sleeping a bit later too, which has been heavenly. a non napping baby/baby who should be napping gets pretty ugly by dinnertime, but it sure frees up your schedule during the day. he still crashes out in the car, which can be inconvenient, and you feel bad waking them... but I like it. Kristin was my longest napper-age 5 LOL. she loved naps. still does!
My friend sue, who we call mer mer(memmay?) has heart disease, diabetes and now diagnosed with lukemia. im too mad to be sad right now. shes 65. her grandson Brody is Kendyl's best friend. i hope she can be treated and get better. damn cancer. pisses me off.
this pill is making my tummy kind of sick, i'm gonna close my eyes.
hugs to you all! thank you to my frequent commenters and readers, sorry ive been absent and lame lately, life is crazy and full of teen drama!
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Thursday, February 25, 2010
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
favorites from jay's baby shower
the pot song
My niece likes to smoke reefer
My niece likes to smoke pot
My niece is gonna smoke it
Whether Auntie likes it, or not
She smokes weed in the morning
She smokes weed late at night
She smokes weed in the daytime
After she & Konor have a fight
She says that pot cures everything
She claims pot soothes her cramps
I say find a Midol
And take it like a champ
My niece claims weed is harmless
A cure for all that ails her
I think reefer masks her symptoms
I think reefer fails her
It covers up her feelings
It takes away her drive
It steals her motivation
Her Confidence
Her pride
It robs her of her of her spirit
It clouds her point of view
She says pot makes her happy
But I don't think that's true
I want so much to push her
To help her see her worth
But what can Auntie do?
She's not my child by birth(or adoption)
Monday, February 15, 2010
Sunday, February 14, 2010
Saturday, February 13, 2010
weekly wrap up, kinda
*Kourtney is out, my niece Jenny & her boyfriend Konor are in. Both of those names really start with C, but I like K's better and it's my blog. So there. They both need a place to stay, and Kristin won't be home until May, so it works. They're both great with the kids and Konor can carry very heavy things :) Jenny works at a department store, Konor is in the same boat as Doug. "looking".
* Uncuh's Birthday is tomorrow. All he wants is a cheesecake with apple brandy sauce. Yogi just finished making it. Looks fantastic!
* Valentine's Day is a bust, 2 (maybe 3) years running, same reason as always. I have pneumonia. I get it every February. I also have a sinus infection. Z pack to the rescue! Got it yesterday. The minute I got back from the Doctor, Shawn went downhill with his cold and told me his ear was hurting. I called the Doctor's office back and they told me to come right over. He has his first ear infection. It was a long afternoon, it got really painful realy quickly, but by the time he went to bed the ibuprofen was helping, so were the meds and he's been a bucket of fun ever since, and slept well.
* even though I've been sick for the better part of a month, I've kept up with my workouts and have now lost 34 lbs. in under 12 weeks. My doctor was so proud of me! taking 2 days off in a row has been tough, but I know I need to. Yogi grounded me to the house! the day before I finally went to the doctor I ran 4 miles and biked 7! But when i woke up yesterday morning I knew I had to go see the doc. I may have been over doing it, for a sick person anyway. Today I've had pizza and 3 oreos. Might as well go big or go home, being that I'm sick & all LOL I may try a quick run in the morning- I've still got one good lung.
* I spent what little free time I had left this week making Valentine chocolates for Kendy's school party, the nursing home my Mom volunteers at and some neighbors. Luckily, I don't really like the stuff so I don't sample while I work. I took a picture I think...came out cute.
* Dell sent me a brand new hard drive for this laptop, Konor installed it today. He's very computer savvy and figured out that we needed a new hard drive and that Dell may send us one, and they did! This particular model has had many issues, they gave us no trouble. I thought i bought this thing over a year ago, but, upon investigation, i realized it was only 7 mos. ago! Too bad I already spent 200$ to have a guy fix it, which didn't even work anyway! I'm hoping he will remove all my photos from the old hard drive, free of charge, since what he did to fix it didn't work. Think he'll do it? Seems fair to me!
* It is 97* in Costa Rica every day. Were you aware of that? 97. degrees. Ferenheit. K.
* Pitchers and catchers report to spring training this week, I'm just sayin' :) The equipment truck left Fenway yesterday. Spring is almost here!
* Jackson doesn't want to play baseball anymore. I am devastated. He doesn't care.
* Jackson made that traveling basketball team. The New England Raptors. He plays through July. Rec ball/town league ends next month. Until then he will be playing for 2 teams, plus an Allstar tournament for rec ball next month. This traveling team is demanding. $15 to try out, $160 to play, $30-40 per tournament, about 2 per month, all over the state. TONS of practice & conditioning, almost daily. It won't be easy, so I hate to whine about baseball. But I still will.
he's thrilled!
* Our tax refund will be decent this year. I may score a new washer & dryer! Ours aren't very old at all, but 120 minutes to dry a load??? geesh. What a pain. We know what we want, but just haven't been able to afford it. They'll pay for themselves in energy savings. Less water, detergent, time,(time is money!) electricity....We still owe my parents money, so they may score too. The rest, we will save for mortgage payments during lean times. Our mortgage is high for such a small place. New England...
* Did I mention I'm grounded? just checking...
* I am ready for winter to end. But 97????
* Still don't want to write about Haiti. All I can say is that when we watch the footage, we see our sons face in every.single. face and it's very hard to think of them suffering. Hungry. need of medication etc...many mistakes continue to be made. big groups *cough*UNICEF*cough* who think children should spend their entire life in an orphanage "in their own country" as opposed to being adopted into a loving family abroad, can go suck it. they know NOTHING. They sucked then(pre quake), & they suck now. Don't send them any of YOUR money. They think kids should stay institutionalized and grow up and *help their country* @@. Know any country leaders who grew up in an institution with NO family? Me neither. There is no one perfect answer. But their answer is just plain wrong. They even sucked Anderson Cooper into their web the other night. I can't even go there. I get too pissed off. If you want to read way more knowledgeable blogs about Haiti's situation, there are 3 blogs on my list where you can get the best information: Livesay haiti blog(missionaries in Haiti, went through the quake), rage against the minivan(Kristen Howerton, who went through the quake while visiting her Haitian son and the Livesays) & watching the waters (Corey waters, Mom to many Haitian children)will fill you in the best and show you where your money should be going, if you feel led to help. They say it better than I canand are good at that whole hyper link thing. Every dollar counts. 7$ can feed a kid, so please help.
* Yogi *didn't feel like* taking any photos at the Celtics game he took Jackson to last Sunday. nice. Why doesn't he know it's all about me???
*This wins for most boring post of the year, so far. You're Welcome!
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
i cant believe its been 11 days since i posted. Life has been busy and full of teen drama at times. I am running & biking every day now, I am down 32 lbs. as of thismorning. Another reason for my absense is that I just dont have much new stuff to blog about. i feel like its all redundant repeats. And Haiti? EVERYONE is blogging about the situation there. Anything I would write would feel plagoristic, pathetic, and big time debbie downer. i have so much i WANT to say, but I'm way too worried about other's opinions. My opinion may difffer from most. All the kids are fine, Doug is still on self destruct mode, but he has to run his own life, I cant involve myself anymore. he is resistant to any help or advice. Kris is having a blast in Costa Rica, check out her blog, to the right. I guess I'm just really taking some time for me now, getting away from the computer, getting off my rear end and getting myself together. lots of little things have happened, we had a retirement party for my Dad, my niece jennifer just moved in with us, appliances breaking left & right...lots of little things. right now i have a terrible sinus infection and am battling that through all my workouts UGH. i keep thinking im getting better, then i have a bad day again.
see? not much to say. i will try to keep up better this week! oh!-im also having major computer problems with 2 different laptops, which has also kept me from blogging. hoping to have the one computer fixed this week, he already fixed it, we went to pick it up, but it still doesnt work@@ so.. that too. have i mentioned our bad luck with pets & appliances?(the pets are ok, for now) i will post pics from dad's party as soon as the other laptop is fixed-i stupidly loaded them all into that one DUH.
hope you are all doing well. i am on facebook-alison l maker crawford. look me up!
see? not much to say. i will try to keep up better this week! oh!-im also having major computer problems with 2 different laptops, which has also kept me from blogging. hoping to have the one computer fixed this week, he already fixed it, we went to pick it up, but it still doesnt work@@ so.. that too. have i mentioned our bad luck with pets & appliances?(the pets are ok, for now) i will post pics from dad's party as soon as the other laptop is fixed-i stupidly loaded them all into that one DUH.
hope you are all doing well. i am on facebook-alison l maker crawford. look me up!
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