Sunday, October 08, 2006

Hanging out with Dad

Here's a picture of Craig & Jack chilling out today. Jack has a Halloween costume party October 27th at his day care centre. Might dress him up as a pumpkin but would welcome ideas......

Monday, October 02, 2006

Home Improvements

The garden's improving slowly. Take a look at these before & after pictures. Craig's Jeep has improved too!
We are also in the process of painting the house - well, when I say "we", I mean "Craig". I'm too busy keeping the little fella entertained.

Big Bird Rocks

Here's Jack in his flying saucer. He can't touch the floor yet but loves to gaze lovingly at Big Bird.

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Cheeky boy is smiling

Here's a couple of pictures of Jack smiling & laughing, which he does all the time now. What a little stunner.

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Trip to Columbus Zoo

Took Jack to the zoo today. His favourite animals were penguins, monkeys with red bums, and the bald eagle. I liked the wolves & manatees. In truth, Jack slept through most of the experience but I had a smashing time!

Monday, September 18, 2006

Visit from Nana & Grandad

Craig's mum & dad - Dorothy & Harry - are here from England for 4 weeks. Jack's having a great time - being sung to, playing, going on walks, & getting lots of kisses.

He's a Rum'n

Sunday, September 10, 2006

Longhorns got spanked

We had a party last night for the OSU-Texas game. We had the projector set up in the garden and it was brilliant - the quality of the picture was fab and we even had surround sound, courtesy of Craig.
It was a great game - especially as we spanked Texas 24-7.
As usual when hosting a party, I didn't eat anything or get to watch the game but I did lots of nervous drinking and was thoroughly smashed by bed time.

Cross stitch made me chuffin CRY!

I went on a home tour today & saw this in someone's house and it made me CRY! I had left Jack at home with Craig so was missing him and this does ring true. I am turning into an emotional mum. Course it's hard not to when your baby is so scrumptious.

Pix of Jack

Sunday, September 03, 2006

A Day at Indian lake

We went to Char & Jan's cabin on Indian Lake today. It's Labor Day weekend so we all got together for a cook-out and a few cold ones. Craig got an old canoe out but it let water in and a water snake tried to jump in so he gave up!