Andrew seems to be enjoying BYU-I. He is having a hard time finding a part time job. I hope that happens soon. I think he would be happier. But for now he enjoys school and is meeting lots of friends.
CJ is in Georgia to begin basic training. I know he is going to be a great soldier. I have supported my husband for years in defending and loving this country. But I do have to admit that it is a little different with my son. CJ has been through a lot in his short life but he has managed to end up on top and I am happy about that. I have listened to his testimony grow as he has been away from home. He had a roommate that was a great example to him. He always was there to direct CJ back to prayer and the gospel for answers. My prayers will be with him as he becomes a soldier for our great nation. I pray for the strength for myself to be the mother of a soldier.
On a lighter note. I have been at home now for 5 days with Justin and Karson. Justin had a friend spend the night last night. At about eleven o clock last night they decided to "skim board" on the frozen ice in the road. Skim boarding is done in a bathing suit so yes you guessed it they stripped down and went sliding in 20 something degree weather. Teenagers never run out of "great ideas". But they brought their purple bodies in fairly quickly after I said enough you are going to get pneumonia. I have always said boys are a little strange. LOL
I love being a mother. Well as soon as this weather breaks I hope to get my man home and back to everyday life. Maybe the kids will even go back to school...
This is all for now