Hi good morning, this weather is really getting me down. Having a lot of pets all the rain equals mud & lots of paw prints all over the house. What happened to my sunshine everything is grey out side! Anyway enough wining about the weather, it doesn't change it does it? I mentioned a few posts ago that I got a new subscription to
Mollie Makes Magazine and with it was this book. So I went to a charity shop and bought some wool and got started that very evening. I can now crochet squares and change the colours. You Tube is fab for everything, including crochet.
If you have never crochet before here is a great demo for beginners, although she is a be wooden when talking the actual video is a good one. I want to make some flowers and there are only too many wonderfully talented women & men willing to teach you. I am glad I could watch You Tube as it's really easy to get the hang of it (I learn better when I am shown)
These are wonderful, but I am not at this stage yet! But it's wonderful to go around all the links etc having a look at what people are doing out there. There is so much choice and I am sure you will find some one you will like and stick to if you want to learn or if you already know how to crochet you can find some really great projects & patterns for FREE!
This is a 10 minuet video but I promise you ladies even if you don't crochet you will love the woman in this video, this is such a work of art and took so many years this dear old woman chats about family & her mother who taught her to crochet. I fell in love with this lady and I am sure you will too
OK I hope you enjoyed this crochet post for a change Love Dawn xx