Still I've enjoyed the freedom on not having to 'do' if you see what I mean.
I had brunch about 10.45 (because at that stage I was still going into town) and the rain started. so scrapping became the order of the day
I finished a page I started last night, this one was a class from the Cybercrop on UKScrappers set by one of my teamies Jemma (JimJams). It looks complicated but once you start it becomes very easy to follow. I just did a single page for now, but I may change it to a double later.

and another class from the cybercrop this one by Ifa and she mentions how Sian's story telling Sunday helped her realise how to put your story down, by the way it Story Telling Sunday this Sunday, so if you have a story to tell why not join in just write your story on your blog then link it to Sian's blog so we can all read it.
I digress so here is my page. This story I told back in August this year but didn't get around to doing a page with it so this was the perfect opportunity

I've been struggling to get a minibook done too but that will have to wait for another day now.
On these dark morning when I first get up I don't like a bright light shining until I am properly awake, so I have had a series of white Christmas lights, in the hallway, for a few years now but they never seem to last long enough. my latest ones I picked up at the sale a few months ago and have stuck them in a vase with artificial flower. This evening as I looked at them I realise they would make a super As Seen photo for today. Also good practice for the coming festive season

Today I am grateful for not having to go out and especially for feeling so much better, nearly back to my normal self