Just popping in to let everyone know that we have had some major issues going on with our house and to apologize for being around to visit or posting lately.
To make a long story short, almost 2 weeks ago we noticed some spots on the steel siding we had put on our house in 1988. When I asked my neighbor if he had ever seen anything like those round spots on steel siding he pushed on one of them and ended up getting a big blister on his finger. When he pushed on another one that had 3 vertical circles the other 2 turned red. Needless to say I was on the phone with an electrician to see what was going on. Now mind you, this was on a Sunday. Electrician would not remove siding but he did shut off the power to the front porch area. Monday, I found a young man to remove the siding, called the electrician back and my insurance agent. Since there was no damage to the house itself, no insurance claim. I've been working with the contractor on how to salvage the siding we took off because it's way too expensive now to use steel to reside your home.
Last night we had an electrical "FIRE" in the basement where there were actual flames shooting out of the dryer duct to the outside of the house, melted the hose to the dryer and the outside screen. Nope the fire did not come from the dryer vent. Here comes the fire department with three huge trucks and then the fire chief. They said they had never seen anything like this before and would stay until an electrician got here because that area was still arcing with sparks coming out of the siding. Guess who didn't sleep all night AGAIN.
Today he sent one of his men out to see what was going on. Our house, for some unknown reason, was not grounded so they took care of that first. Hooked all of the wiring back up and then checked a fairly new electrical box we had installed in the work shop for hubby. When he flipped a breaker that had shut itself off smoke started coming out of it, hence, another fire. He replaced what he was sure was causing the problem and called the Light & Power Company because there is something wrong with the meter. Yep, you got it, L&P still haven't shown up. He assured me that I could sleep tonight because before any fire started it would trip all the circuit breakers..... Ask me if I'm reassured........NOT.....LOL On top of all that going on we had company all last week.
Never a dull moment in this house! Once I get everything straighted out and my house cleaned up and put back together again I'll be back, but until then I probably won't be on much through the rest of this month. Just wanted you all to know that I was thinking of you and miss you. Don't want to lose you or for you to think I don't care about you or have been ignoring all of your beautiful creations.
I'll try to get around to visit a little as time permits. Stay safe, happy and enjoy the beginning of summer.
"Love & Hugs" Carol