To risbo sem narisala, ko sem hotela sprobati svoje nove voščenke neocolor II, katere sem si privoščila s svojo prvo plačo, saj sem si jih zelo želela in sem se odločila, da sem bom razvajala. Zelo rada rišem obraze, a mi nosovi še vedno nagajajo.
I draw this when I wanted to try out my new neocolor II, that I bought with my first paycheck, I really wanted them, so I decided I will treat myself. I love to draw whimsical faces, but I still have problems with the noses.
Tudi ozadje je narejeno z neocolor voščenkami. Zelo mi je všeč, ker se jih da uporabljati v kombinaciji z vodo in ne izgubijo pigmenta, super pa se tudi med seboj mešajo.
The background is also done with neocoloor II. I like that you can use them with water and they don't lose their pigment, they also blend nicely together.
Punčka je bila narisana na akvarelni papir, ki sem ga odrezala na velikost, ki paše v okvir za fotografije. Tudi okvir sem polepšala s papirjem, ki ga uporabljam za podlago, ko se igram z barvami.
The girl was draw on the aquarel paper, I cut it down, so it goes nicely in to the frame. I altered the frame with my drop paper.
Prikaz objav z oznako mixed media. Pokaži vse objave
Prikaz objav z oznako mixed media. Pokaži vse objave
ponedeljek, 18. januar 2016
četrtek, 29. oktober 2015
Mixed media index cards tutorial
V Tediju sem kupila indeks karte, odločila sem se da jih preizkusim, z igranjem mešane tehnike in če sploh prenesejo toliko packanja :) Prvo sem izbrala 3 različne barve in jih nanesla na kartico.
I bought this index cards and I wanted to try if they are good for mixed media. First, I choose 3 colors and add them to the card.
Na določena mesta sem dodala nekaj Gesso-ta.
On some areas I added some Gesso.
Nato sem uporabila različne štampiljke in šablone, večina od njih sem naredila sama. Pri tem koraku nisem preveč razmišljala in sem vse skupaj počela zelo naključno.
I then used some stamps and stencils, most of them I made myself. I didn't think too much where to add anything I just played.
Rada uporabim papir na katerega brišem ostanke barve ali pa ga uporabim kot paleto, saj s tem dobim zanimive vzorce, ki ga lahko uporabim pri drugih projektih.
I love to use my drop paper, I add it as another element of the mixed media and it adds some interest.
S črno akrilno barvo sem obrobila kartico in dodala washi trak.
With black acrylic paint I outline the card and use some washi tape.
Zadnji korak pa je najzanemivejši od vseh, saj potegnem na plano bel gel kemik in črne alkoholne flomastre raznih debelin in dodam nekaj čačk. Dodam tam kjer se mi zdi da manjka in ponavadi dodam zvezde, kroge ali črte.
The last step is the most interesting because I can doodle with my white gel pen and some permanent black pens. I add doodles there where I think it is needed, most of the time I doodle stars, circles and lines.
Tukaj so še ostale kartice. Lahko jih uporabim namesto čestitke, kratkih sporočilc ali pa jih dodam v art dnevnik.
Here are some cards that I made. I can use it instead of cards, write short messages or use it in my art journal.
I bought this index cards and I wanted to try if they are good for mixed media. First, I choose 3 colors and add them to the card.
Na določena mesta sem dodala nekaj Gesso-ta.
On some areas I added some Gesso.
Nato sem uporabila različne štampiljke in šablone, večina od njih sem naredila sama. Pri tem koraku nisem preveč razmišljala in sem vse skupaj počela zelo naključno.
I then used some stamps and stencils, most of them I made myself. I didn't think too much where to add anything I just played.
Rada uporabim papir na katerega brišem ostanke barve ali pa ga uporabim kot paleto, saj s tem dobim zanimive vzorce, ki ga lahko uporabim pri drugih projektih.
I love to use my drop paper, I add it as another element of the mixed media and it adds some interest.
S črno akrilno barvo sem obrobila kartico in dodala washi trak.
With black acrylic paint I outline the card and use some washi tape.
Zadnji korak pa je najzanemivejši od vseh, saj potegnem na plano bel gel kemik in črne alkoholne flomastre raznih debelin in dodam nekaj čačk. Dodam tam kjer se mi zdi da manjka in ponavadi dodam zvezde, kroge ali črte.
The last step is the most interesting because I can doodle with my white gel pen and some permanent black pens. I add doodles there where I think it is needed, most of the time I doodle stars, circles and lines.
Tukaj so še ostale kartice. Lahko jih uporabim namesto čestitke, kratkih sporočilc ali pa jih dodam v art dnevnik.
Here are some cards that I made. I can use it instead of cards, write short messages or use it in my art journal.
petek, 19. junij 2015
Mixed media platno/Mixed media canvas
Zelo sem vesela, da se je moja ustvarjalna muza vrnila. In ker sem v Tediju že kar nekaj časa nazaj kupila platno, sem se odločila, da se poigram z mixed tehniko. Rada ustvarjam, ampak mixed media in art journaling pa sta moja najljubša načina ustvarjanja.
I am very happy that my craft muse is back. Some time ago I bought some canvas, so I decided I will play with some mixed media. I love to craft and art, but my favorite crafting is mixed media and art journaling.
Za ozadje sem uporabila papir, na katerem razmažem odvečno akrilno barvo, notno črtovje in štampiljke.
sem okoli papirja še namazala z akrilno barvo, da se je vse skupaj
nekako povezalo. Iz ostankov scrapbook papirja sem izrezala hiške in jih
nalepila z mod podge-om. Izrezala sem tudi nekaj rožič in jim navila
cvetove, da sem dobila 3d učinek. Nato sem še tu in tam dodala washi
For the background I used the drop paper from my acrylic paints and some music paper and stamps. Then I used some acrylics
so that the background come together. I cut some house from scraps of
scrapbook paper. I also cut some flowers and curl the petals so I got a
more 3d effect.
Pennys challenge Anything goes
CRAFT- alnica Nekaj novega, nekaj starega (novo wahi trakovi, staro scrapbook papir)
nedelja, 22. marec 2015
Sovin podstavek/ Owl coaster
Prvi mixed media podstavek, mi je bil tako všeč, da sem naredila še enega. Ozadje sem naredila z akrilnimi barvami, želim si neon akrilne barve, ker pa jih nimam sem uporabila barvi, ki sta še nekako najbolj neonski v moji zbirki. Nato, sem svetlo modro barvo zmešala s strukturno pasto in uporabila šablono, ter naredila krogce. Nato sem pasto zmešala s črno barvo in uporabila šablono, ki mi je najljubša, in sem jo naredila sama in sicer številke.
I liked the first mixed media coaster that I did so much that I decided I will do another one. The background I did with acrylic colors, I wanted to be neon colours, but since I don't have neon colours, I used two colours that are most similar to neon colours and that I have. Then I used light blue color with structure past and I did circles with a stencil. Then I did the same with a black acrylic paint and I used my homemade stencils numbers and I just love this stencil.
Ko sem imela ozadje končano pa nisem točno vedela, kaj bi naredila za osrednjo točko. Zato sem se odločila, da grem na youtube poiskati kakšno idejo. Ko sem videla ta video sem vedela, da bom tudi jaz naredila sovo. Iz glasbenih not, sem izrezala oblike, ki sem jih potrebovala in izdelala sovo ter jo pobarvala.
When I finished the background, I didn't know what to do for my facial point, so I want on youtube for some inspiration. When I saw this video, I knew I want an owl. From music sheet I cut parts of the owl and colored it.
I liked the first mixed media coaster that I did so much that I decided I will do another one. The background I did with acrylic colors, I wanted to be neon colours, but since I don't have neon colours, I used two colours that are most similar to neon colours and that I have. Then I used light blue color with structure past and I did circles with a stencil. Then I did the same with a black acrylic paint and I used my homemade stencils numbers and I just love this stencil.
Ko sem imela ozadje končano pa nisem točno vedela, kaj bi naredila za osrednjo točko. Zato sem se odločila, da grem na youtube poiskati kakšno idejo. Ko sem videla ta video sem vedela, da bom tudi jaz naredila sovo. Iz glasbenih not, sem izrezala oblike, ki sem jih potrebovala in izdelala sovo ter jo pobarvala.
When I finished the background, I didn't know what to do for my facial point, so I want on youtube for some inspiration. When I saw this video, I knew I want an owl. From music sheet I cut parts of the owl and colored it.
ponedeljek, 8. september 2014
Mixed media podstavek/Mixed media coaster
Že nekaj časa sem hotela predelati podstavek in tudi idejo sem imela v mislih,manjkal mi je samo čas, da sem idejo realizirala.
For some time I wanted to altered the coaster and I had an idea in my mind, I just needed some time to realized the idea.
Ozadje sem pobarvala z zelenkasto akrilno barvo. Prilepila obraz, ki sem ga predhodno prerisala na list in ga prelepila na podstavek. Za lase sem uporabila strukturno pasto, da sem dobila 3D efekt. Oblekico sem izrezala iz scrapbook papirja in dodala tri rože.
The background I painted with acrylic paint. I glue the face that I draw on a piece of paper. For the hair I used structural paste, so I got on 3D effect. I cut the dress from a scrapbook paper and added three flowers.
Na tej sliki se bolje vidijo lase in kakšen učinek je naredila strukturna pasta.
Idejo za lase in šablono za obraz sem dobila iz knjige Mixed-media Girls with Suzi Blu.
Knjiga je res super in zelo nazorno pokaže in razloži kar nekaj tehnik, če vas zanima risanje obrazov, vam jo priporočam.
On this picture you can see the effect that the structure past did.
Idea for the hair and the template for the face I got it from the book Mixed-media Girls with Suzi Blu. The book is really great and it shows how to draw whimsical faces and color them and do mixed media things with it. I recommended if you want to learn to draw whimsical faces.
For some time I wanted to altered the coaster and I had an idea in my mind, I just needed some time to realized the idea.
Ozadje sem pobarvala z zelenkasto akrilno barvo. Prilepila obraz, ki sem ga predhodno prerisala na list in ga prelepila na podstavek. Za lase sem uporabila strukturno pasto, da sem dobila 3D efekt. Oblekico sem izrezala iz scrapbook papirja in dodala tri rože.
The background I painted with acrylic paint. I glue the face that I draw on a piece of paper. For the hair I used structural paste, so I got on 3D effect. I cut the dress from a scrapbook paper and added three flowers.
Na tej sliki se bolje vidijo lase in kakšen učinek je naredila strukturna pasta.
Idejo za lase in šablono za obraz sem dobila iz knjige Mixed-media Girls with Suzi Blu.
Knjiga je res super in zelo nazorno pokaže in razloži kar nekaj tehnik, če vas zanima risanje obrazov, vam jo priporočam.
On this picture you can see the effect that the structure past did.
Idea for the hair and the template for the face I got it from the book Mixed-media Girls with Suzi Blu. The book is really great and it shows how to draw whimsical faces and color them and do mixed media things with it. I recommended if you want to learn to draw whimsical faces.
petek, 7. marec 2014
Predelana škatlica/ Altered box
Na raznih blogih mnogokrat vidim škatlice, ki jih blogerji naredijo sami iz scrapbook papirja, ker sama nisem tako natančna sem se odločila, da bom malo pogoljufala in predelala že narejeno škatlico.
At various blogs I often see boxes that you make yourself out of scrapbook paper because I'm not so precise, I decided that I will cheat a little and altered a box.
Kupila sem si kremo za obraz in se odločila, da bo ta prava škatlica za predelavo, prvo sem jo 2x premazala z gesso-tom, da sem jo pripravila na nadaljnjo delo.
I bought myself a face cream and decided that this is the right box for altering, first I painted twice with gesso that I prepared the box for further work.
Nato sem zmešala modro, zeleno in belo akrilno barvo, da sem dobila mint barvo, ki mi je zelo všeč. Z rjavo akrilno barvo sem odtisnila kroge, dodala tanki papir za teksturo.
Then I mixed blue, green and white acrylic paint so that I got a mint color, which I really like. With the brown acrylic paint I stamped circles, add a thin paper for the texture.
Dodala sem različne papirje in slike, ki sem jih spravila. Na sliki levo, lahko vidite kako sem okrasila vse štiri strani. Lepila sem z Mod Podge, ko sem vse nalepila, sem čez vse 4 strani šla še enkrat z Mod Podgom, da sem zaščitila površino. Ko se je lepilo posušilo, sem še natanko premazala z otroškim pudrom, da se nebi lepilo.
Tako pa sem okrasilo glavno stran škatle.
This is how I decorated the main side of the box.
At various blogs I often see boxes that you make yourself out of scrapbook paper because I'm not so precise, I decided that I will cheat a little and altered a box.
Kupila sem si kremo za obraz in se odločila, da bo ta prava škatlica za predelavo, prvo sem jo 2x premazala z gesso-tom, da sem jo pripravila na nadaljnjo delo.
I bought myself a face cream and decided that this is the right box for altering, first I painted twice with gesso that I prepared the box for further work.
Nato sem zmešala modro, zeleno in belo akrilno barvo, da sem dobila mint barvo, ki mi je zelo všeč. Z rjavo akrilno barvo sem odtisnila kroge, dodala tanki papir za teksturo.
Then I mixed blue, green and white acrylic paint so that I got a mint color, which I really like. With the brown acrylic paint I stamped circles, add a thin paper for the texture.
Dodala sem različne papirje in slike, ki sem jih spravila. Na sliki levo, lahko vidite kako sem okrasila vse štiri strani. Lepila sem z Mod Podge, ko sem vse nalepila, sem čez vse 4 strani šla še enkrat z Mod Podgom, da sem zaščitila površino. Ko se je lepilo posušilo, sem še natanko premazala z otroškim pudrom, da se nebi lepilo.
I added a variety of papers and pictures that I had. In the
picture to the left, you can see how I decorate all four sides. I glued with
Mod Podge, when I glued all, I glued all 4
sides again with Mod Podgom so that I protect the surface. When
the glue was dried, I added a baby powder, so that the stickiness would go
This is how I decorated the main side of the box.
Prvo sem nalepila male srebrne perlice, dodala starinsko slikico gospe s klobučkom, na njo nalepila rafijo, dodala stickpin z metuljčkom in nalepila črne bisere.
First I glued small silver beads, added antique picture a lady with a hat, glued raffia, add stickpin with butterfly and glue black pearls.
petek, 28. februar 2014
Mixed media baby
Na ta zaspan petek, sem se hotela malo odklopiti s pomočjo ustvarjanja in sem se odločila, da se bom poigrala z akrilnimi barvami in ostanki scrapbook papirja. V mislim nisem imela nič posebnega, tako da sem se odločala za sproti, kaj bom naredila.
On this sleepy Friday, I wanted to disconnect with the help of crafting. I decided that I will play with acrylic paints and scraps of scrapbook paper. I didn't have anything particuly in my mind so I was going with the flow.
Na trši karton sem dodala stran iz stare knjige, dodala sem nekaj scrapbook ostankov in zelo razredčeno akrilno barvo. S pomočjo šablon in gessota sem dodala teksturo, ter jo pobarvala z zlato akrilno barvo, prilepila papirnato brisačo v katero sem brisala čopič, narisala deklico in jo dodala na karton.
On a chipboard I added some page from an old book, added sam scraps and acrylic paints that I watered down. With a stencil and gesso I added some texture and colored it with gold acrylic paint, glue down a paper towel in which I wiped my brush, draw a girl and added to the chipboard.
On this sleepy Friday, I wanted to disconnect with the help of crafting. I decided that I will play with acrylic paints and scraps of scrapbook paper. I didn't have anything particuly in my mind so I was going with the flow.
Na trši karton sem dodala stran iz stare knjige, dodala sem nekaj scrapbook ostankov in zelo razredčeno akrilno barvo. S pomočjo šablon in gessota sem dodala teksturo, ter jo pobarvala z zlato akrilno barvo, prilepila papirnato brisačo v katero sem brisala čopič, narisala deklico in jo dodala na karton.
On a chipboard I added some page from an old book, added sam scraps and acrylic paints that I watered down. With a stencil and gesso I added some texture and colored it with gold acrylic paint, glue down a paper towel in which I wiped my brush, draw a girl and added to the chipboard.
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