She also got... a pillow pet. Trevin helped me pick this out for her and he was way excited to bring it home. He has loved helping Chey learn how to change it from a pet to a pillow and back. Cheyenne was beyond excited. She named it Joey, fitting since that is the name she uses when she pretends to be a dog.
We had Cheyenne's favorite meal for dinner... Crabtree Soup. Cheyenne had 2 bowls before she spied her presents on the couch and yelled "I see my birthday, I see my birthday, I'n done!" Next up was blowing out candles. It was pretty entertaining to watch. She was blowing so hard, but was aiming all the air straight down with her upper lip, so Trevin was kind enough to help out. She was so excited to look down and have the candles out. The cup cakes were super yummy!
Happy birthday Cheyenne! We love you lots.
Cheyenne talks really well for a 2 years old and loves to talk all of the time to just about anyone. She loves nursery, in fact we threaten to not take her when she is bad in sacrament meeting and it usually stops all bad behavior. Chey is amazing when it comes to memorizing songs. She sings all the time, especially primary songs. She loves the Little Mermaid and has the "wish I could be part of your world" song completely memorized, THE WHOLE THING! (once I record it I'll post it). She loves playing on the "slippery slides" at the park. She loves book and letters.
She still completely ignores you if you are telling her to stop and she thinks whatever she is doing is fun. After being completely potty trained for 3 weeks she decided it was too much work and started pottying her pants on purpose, now we are back in diapers.
She is becoming more and more girly, she loves her babies and bears and blankets. On the other hand she still loves to play sword fighting with Trevin and with cars and trains.