We were up at 5.30 this morning to see the sunrise - only it was raining and misty but that added a whole new look to everything today. It was totally awesome watching the fog roll in over the trees and then across the lake. Today of coarse we are joining Black and White Sunday with our friends Sugar the Golden Retriever and Dachshund Nola
Sunday, August 31, 2014
Saturday, August 30, 2014
MY Teeny Tiny Hummingbirds

Friday, August 29, 2014
FFFT - August - I can't believe I ate......

Thursday, August 28, 2014
Working with an amature
Really - you would think after all these years my Dweeb brother would of realized the quicker he does the nice pose thing - the quicker we get back to walking and sniffing - but no - he has to make funny faces and look this way and that way.
"Denny - Oh is that a jogger coming this way - you know I don't like joggers?"

"Denny - The sun is in my eyes Mom, it's making me squint - oh this is boring - big yawn - HEY look how how much I can curl my tongue"
"Reilly - And they wonder why I call him the Dweeb"

"Denny - okay - you got the picture - lets move now - we need to get back to my car where it's safe"

"Denny - Oh is that a jogger coming this way - you know I don't like joggers?"

"Denny - The sun is in my eyes Mom, it's making me squint - oh this is boring - big yawn - HEY look how how much I can curl my tongue"
"Reilly - And they wonder why I call him the Dweeb"

"Denny - okay - you got the picture - lets move now - we need to get back to my car where it's safe"

Wednesday, August 27, 2014
Shopping around the world with Bacon & Fozzie

Items to price this month:
- Water. Let’s shoot for a price on a 24 pack of water. This is something that we use every day and can’t live without. Some people drink it straight from the faucet while others of us buy bottles. What is the price of a 24 pack of water in your area and what brand? - Mom is so fussy on this - she will ONLY drink Spring water and only Ozarka - 24 bottles cost $4.69
- Bath Soap. Something ‘most’ of us use when we shower – or I hope so anyway snorts. What brand do you get, how many boxes together and how much. I say how many boxes because I know sometimes they are sold in packages of 1 or 2 – sometimes more. - Again Mom is blame for being fussy - she only buys Glycerine soap and gets its specially made from a local soap maker. It is Eucalyptus and Mint Scented and both Mom and Dad love it because it doesn't dry out their skin. A bar costs $2.99 but they are huge so Mom cuts them in half.
- Deodorant. This is something that has blown mom’s mind lately – the price of deodorant – WOW! Again, this is something that most of us use every day or should. Tell us what brand you get and how much. - You guessed it - fussy Mom - she will only buy Mitchum Clear Gel - she always waits until they have a special 2 containers for the price of 1 and it cost $3.39. She stocks up so she has enough to last the year and does the same for Dad's Men's Mitchum.
- Laundry Detergent. Another product that is important in our lives while washing our clothes. What kind do you buy, the price and size. - Miss Fussy Pants strikes again - she will only use Tide Free 2.95 Liters (funny how Americans use metric on Laundry Detergent) and it costs $11.95
- Random Item. This is something that we are going to start incorporating every month. This is your choice. List a random item from your area, what it is and the price. ALL YOUR CHOICE. - Now we love Ritz Crackers - and look what we found - Ritz Crackers that are meant just for our Buddy Bacon - see they even have his name on the box so his Mom and Dad won't steal them. The cost $2.99 for a box.
Boys - "What do you mean Mom - it says Bacon right on the box."
Mom - "Yes it does but they are bacon flavored!"
Boys - "OHHHHHHHHHH - sorry Buddy :)"
Mom - "You can tell him we didn't like them and will stick to the plain ones"
Tuesday, August 26, 2014
National Dog Day - Celebrating in Style !
Today is National Dog Day and Mom said we have to celebrate in style - we love our Mom! Our day started off super early - even before the sun was up and we headed to MY park. First was a wander around the lake and then while waiting for the sun to come up - we got to see Mr Beaver again!!!

After walking around the lake REALLY slowly because Mom said we needed to get lots on good sniffing in - we headed up into the woods and decided to go to the little lookout. This looks out over MY other smaller park - the one with the board walk in the tree tops.

After that we went back to the lake and found a nice park bench in the shade and just relaxed. Mom had her cup of tea - we had a bowl of cool water and some cookies - she fed the ducks MY bread which today I didn't really care about because as you can see I had my happy face on :)

When we got home we were pretty hot (its been in the high 90's for the past week and will be for the next week too) so Mom went hunting in the freezer and found us a peanut butter frosty paws (they are hard to find the peanut butter ones but they do make them and we like them better than the original flavor) Mom says we could enter a synchronized tongue slurping competition and we must admit we REALLY enjoyed our cool down treats.

So here we were just chillaxin and thinking a nap would be good when Mom said "come on boyos - I have another surprise". And guess what - we went off to MY favorite pet store. Can you believe they didn't even know it was National Dog Day - we let them know with some very rambunctious barking and we each got a free dried duck foot for our endeavors. And look what else Mom boughtME US - raw marrow bones, fish skins, treats - dog oh dog - we want EVERY day to be National Dog Day!

After walking around the lake REALLY slowly because Mom said we needed to get lots on good sniffing in - we headed up into the woods and decided to go to the little lookout. This looks out over MY other smaller park - the one with the board walk in the tree tops.

After that we went back to the lake and found a nice park bench in the shade and just relaxed. Mom had her cup of tea - we had a bowl of cool water and some cookies - she fed the ducks MY bread which today I didn't really care about because as you can see I had my happy face on :)

When we got home we were pretty hot (its been in the high 90's for the past week and will be for the next week too) so Mom went hunting in the freezer and found us a peanut butter frosty paws (they are hard to find the peanut butter ones but they do make them and we like them better than the original flavor) Mom says we could enter a synchronized tongue slurping competition and we must admit we REALLY enjoyed our cool down treats.

So here we were just chillaxin and thinking a nap would be good when Mom said "come on boyos - I have another surprise". And guess what - we went off to MY favorite pet store. Can you believe they didn't even know it was National Dog Day - we let them know with some very rambunctious barking and we each got a free dried duck foot for our endeavors. And look what else Mom bought

Monday, August 25, 2014
The coincidences of life

Mom and Dad invited Catherine to dinner at MY house and I loved her...she sounded oddly familiar to me and she just ADORED me :) Dweeb of coarse hid the whole time but that was okay - it just meant I got ALL the attention. Catherine and her husband live in Los Angeles and we sure did enjoy having her over for dinner. Here she is checking out MY blog - which she thought was totally awesome. Catherine has two furabies herself so I knew she was special - she has golden retrievers and she says they and her husband are best part of coming home - because she travels a lot with her job :)
Sunday, August 24, 2014
Black and White Sunday
Today is a sad day as we all hear of Sweet Jazzi's crossing over the Rainbow Bridge - but we know she and and our many other buddies up there are shining down on us all.
Saturday, August 23, 2014
Back to back they stood .....................
Back to back they stood
Poop bags at the ready
Legs stood straight, tails held high
Their stance so firm and steady
Sniff the spot, make sure it's right
Aim and shoot - we say
Step away, scratch the ground
And hear what Mom has to say!
Our jobs are done - relieved we are
More walking cross our land and dale
No breaky before our morning walk
Is the moral of our tale :)
Friday, August 22, 2014
Paw Street Barkery Review
25 August 2014
We were recently asked by Paw Street Barkery to do a a review of some of their treats so when our favorite mail lady arrived at the door with a box for us - we knew something good was coming our way. Here is what they say about their goodies
Here's the Basic
Taste Test

We were lucky enough to try 3 flavors of their Gluten Free all Organic Treats.
Sweet Potato Gluten Free Organic Treats
Made from organic and all-natural ingredients, these Sweet Paw-tato Gluten Free Dog Treats are made of such base organic ingredients that they can be eaten by those dogs with even the most sensitive of stomachs and gluten allergies.
Apple Rollover Gluten Free Organic Treats
Fresh Apples and Oats make this simple recipe a healthy fun treat. An apple treat a day keeps the vet away!
Blueberry Bone-anza Gluten Fee Organic Treats
Made from organic and all-natural ingredients, these Blueberry Bone-anza Gluten Free Dog Treats are made of such base organic ingredients that they can be eaten by those dogs with even the most sensitive of stomachs and gluten allergies.
Negatives - Kind of - Sort of - Maybe - Not Really
We were recently asked by Paw Street Barkery to do a a review of some of their treats so when our favorite mail lady arrived at the door with a box for us - we knew something good was coming our way. Here is what they say about their goodies
We're Paw Street Barkery, and every one of our healthy dog biscuits and gourmet dog treats are baked with wholesome, human grade ingredients - the same stuff you'd buy for yourself at the supermarket - along with lots of tail wags, face licks, and love. We're crazy about our pups, and our pups are crazy for Paw Street organic dog treats. Try our treats once, and we'll guarantee your pooch will be too!
Here's the Basic
- Made right here in the USA - Chicopee MA
- Uses only organic ingredients
- Have an awesome selection http://www.pawstreetbarkery.com/products.php
- Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/PawStreetBarkery
- Twitter - https://twitter.com/pawstbarkery
- Price $7.99
Taste Test
- Same size as a quarter these make excellent training treats.
- Hard and Crunchy
- They smell totally delicious even to Mom
- They taste totally awesome!

We were lucky enough to try 3 flavors of their Gluten Free all Organic Treats.
Sweet Potato Gluten Free Organic Treats
Made from organic and all-natural ingredients, these Sweet Paw-tato Gluten Free Dog Treats are made of such base organic ingredients that they can be eaten by those dogs with even the most sensitive of stomachs and gluten allergies.
Apple Rollover Gluten Free Organic Treats
Fresh Apples and Oats make this simple recipe a healthy fun treat. An apple treat a day keeps the vet away!
Blueberry Bone-anza Gluten Fee Organic Treats
Made from organic and all-natural ingredients, these Blueberry Bone-anza Gluten Free Dog Treats are made of such base organic ingredients that they can be eaten by those dogs with even the most sensitive of stomachs and gluten allergies.
Negatives - Kind of - Sort of - Maybe - Not Really
- None at all - they are totally yummy
- We are giving these our 8 paw rating- which is the highest rating we can give AND they were so good I even drooled !!!!!
Thursday, August 21, 2014
Dastardly Ducks And Carnivore Catfish
Even though Mom still isn't feeling the best she said we needed to go to the park and get some sniffing in. First stop was to feed the ducks - we really don't know why she insists on this when we would happily eat the bread but NNNNOOOO when ever we have some left over she always takes it for them! Of coarse we don't trust those dastardly ducks - so Dweeb and I protect each others butts just so they don't get a chance to peck at us.

Not only the duckies were eating the bread some big old carnivorous catfish were chowing down on it too. We counted 9 of them ! This big guy in the photo was almost two foot long and would suddenly come to the surface and grab a chunk of bread - he even chased the ducks away but nibbling at their feet !

After feeding the duckies we headed up into the woods where it was cooler. We even followed some paths we hadn't been down before and came across a neat little ravine. It doesn't show up well in the photo but it dropped down about 40 feet. Mom says when it is cooler we will go back again and do some more exploring.

Not only the duckies were eating the bread some big old carnivorous catfish were chowing down on it too. We counted 9 of them ! This big guy in the photo was almost two foot long and would suddenly come to the surface and grab a chunk of bread - he even chased the ducks away but nibbling at their feet !

After feeding the duckies we headed up into the woods where it was cooler. We even followed some paths we hadn't been down before and came across a neat little ravine. It doesn't show up well in the photo but it dropped down about 40 feet. Mom says when it is cooler we will go back again and do some more exploring.

Wednesday, August 20, 2014
Oz's Bad Poetry Day
We are joining our little buddy Oz in sharing some bad poetry in the 2nd annual bad poetry day.
"The Big Dog"
I'm big and fluffy and like to blog
Some say I'm grumpy - but I'm just a dog
I love me squirrels, geese and ducks
Venison too - those big old bucks
I love my walks and all MY parks
But don't go out, once it's dark
Car rides are fine, baths I hate
I love my girl - her name is Kate (ie)
A brother I have, his name is Denny
I call him Dweeb, it's better than Whenny
Allergies I have - they make life ruff
But I love my treats and lots of stuff
So happy I am - the Cowspotdog
Just being busy on my very own blog
Tuesday, August 19, 2014
Bella, Roxy and Dui - Just what the dogtor ordered
Our favorite mail lady came to the door today with another box for the Mom !!! It came all the way from Australia this time - from Bella, Roxy and Dui and their Mom - and gosh did it make our Mom happy - especially after she had such a ruff weekend. She was like a kid in a Aussie candy store because the box was full of all her FAVORITE Aussie foodables. There was Mom's most favorite snackies including Lolly Gobble Bliss Bombs (which is toffee popcorn) twisties which are like cheetos, tim tam cookies, fruit chutney - Mom's favorite to have with cheese, vegemite, chips and lots of candies. BUT - most importantly there was a bag of TREATS for ME us too - some yummy crunchy fish snacks ! Thank you THANK YOU Bella, Roxy, Dui and their Mom - it was just what Mom needed and she can't stop smiling and as soon as her tummy is feeling better - she will be gobbling down those treats.

Monday, August 18, 2014
A ruff weekend for Mom

Sunday, August 17, 2014
Black and White Sunday
We are joining the Black and White Sunday Blog Hop sponsored by Dachshund Nola and Sugar the Golden Retriever. Sometimes photos are simply more fun in black and white with just a dash of color :)
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