Anyway - back to our walk. It was so nice and cold, only 40 degrees and just perfect for us furry types. Mommy wasn't to sure about taking Weilly as he has started limping again. She rang the vets but the soonest we can see Dr W. is Tuesday. She did speak to him though and he said it would be okay to give him some pain medicine as he thinks Weilly has some arthritis in his shoulder. No silly old limp was going to stop my big brother from going to the park though - he's a tough old dude but Mommy kept a close watch on him anyway.

The lake was so pretty today, no wind so it was very calm and Mom wanted to get a picture of Weilly next to it. Of coarse I had to help. "Have you got the flashy thing at the right level Mommy, are you close enough Mommy, wouldn't you rather take a picture of ME Mommy." Of coarse Weilly wasn't being so helpful either, he was more interested in the geese and ducks and what was happening 'over there'.

We then went up through the forest path which was nice and quiet. The "Lake Walkers" as Mommy calls them tend to stick to the path around the edge of the lake, where as we like to follow the ones through the trees. But we both had to stop and stare and listen when we heard something scrattling in the bushes. I was a bit worried when Weilly said it was probably just a giant "white and tan dog" eating squirrel but Mommy said he was just teasing me. I was extra vigilant on the rest of our walkies though as you can never be too sure. I did have to wonder why they don't eat white and black doggies though?