Wow wow wow ! We got 4 inches of snow last night and have we been having so much fun this morning. You know this is a bit of an odd thing for us here in Arkansas but I guess the weather dogs were all working just at the right time to create this. Anyway - The little dude Wuzster (Denny) has decided he TOTALLY loves it. This is his first snow! There is hope for the boy after all! He races around and jumps up at the tree branches to make the snow fall, he grabs mouthfuls of it and then shakes his head at the cold (probably getting brain freeze the dufuss). Me - I am just just enjoying laying down in the snow and enjoying the cold (I bet I could give the Woo's a run for their cookies when it comes to enjoying the snow - hmmm maybe I am a new hybrid polar sheltie???) Mom thinks it funny that whenever she look outside - there I am curled up in the snow fast asleep - she says I look like a husky. Sadly most of it will melt away today but while it is here we are going to enjoy it - "get the towels ready Mom - we are going out again!!!!!" Gawoof gawoof - Mom isn't so happy that she has to dry us off every time we come back inside.