September 8, 2010

Happy Birthday Noah!

Our sweet little Noah turns one year old today! This year has gone by so fast. Noah is definitely not a baby anymore. He is a little boy. He has been walking for several months now and gets into everything. He is very busy and curious, always likes to be doing something. The only times he stops is to eat and sleep. He loves his "mama" and "dada", he gives us the best hugs. His favorite part of the day is when Randy comes home. He runs to the door as soon as he hears it opening. Randy and I both feel so blessed to be Noah's parents. Happy Birthday Noey! We love you!

Fourth of July

Riding the carousel at the zoo

May 4, 2010

Noah is Eight Months!

Our little guy is growing up so fast! He will be eight months in a few days. He is pretty much crawling, he just falls a lot. He would much rather be walking though. He loves to hold on to our hands and walk all over the house. He is getting more independent and is very curious. I feel so blessed to be his mom. New pictures were taken by my friend Staci. Check out her new website!

February 2, 2010

4 Month Pictures

Pictures taken by my talented friend Staci,

January 3, 2010

The last few months...

October 7, 2009


One of my best friends Staci came and took pictures of baby Noah last weekend. She was so patient and did such an amazing job. You can see the pictures here. Thanks so much Staci, you are so talented and such a great friend.

September 29, 2009

3 Weeks Already!

September 19, 2009

Baby Noah

Baby Noah joined our family on September 8th at 8:11 p.m after about 24 hours of labor. He weighed in at 8 pounds 11 ounces and 21 1/2 inches long. He is a big healthy boy! I feel so blessed to be his mom. He is such a good baby (knock on wood). He has lots of hair and two dimples that I can't get enough of. He looks just like his dad. Randy is already an awesome dad. We both feel so lucky to have this little guy in our home.