Wednesday, February 22, 2012

What a week !!!

Wow! been burning the candle at both ends -- then in the middle also .
where does the time go -- spending time with muy lil guys --helping the moms out .as they work and take college classes also .
So out of the loop wiht you bloggy guys -- do a quick pop i n- but that is all
YA know drool and lap tops -- do not mix lol .
On a serious note i had a have my hard drive replaced -- so computer was on vacation at the fix --it shop .
Blown away by the gorgeous ,atc swap -- with Kimberly LAws -- no pics yet -- Off to meetings today for church -- so little time -- oh been to several evening auctions -- Oh the goodies I bid on and won -- will have to post those soon .
THis is the only pic I can post to go with this ruched message --Blessings all