Friday, December 23, 2011

Saturday, December 10, 2011

MY LIttle guys --

These two will be best buddys, as they live 10 min from each other and all our family -- they are so cute and funny together -- both were so sleepy and past ready for their afternoon naps at this point in the picture shoot -- Gotta get some more posted soon -for family -- Lotsa doings today -- Pancake Breakfast, and pictures with Santa at our church -- we have a real
Santa that attends our church -- HUgs to all

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

WILL soon be one !!!

Our littlest guy will be turning one in late January . WE can hardly believe it !!!
He is so adorable --time flies - He is a Happy baby except when teething - Trying to get the other pics on to show the sweet boys together --Our lil MAN -- is 15 months old --and hugs and gives his cousin a face kiss -- too sweet -- They will be such buddies ,growing up together . Christmas will be fun this year , with them at this age -- to have fun with their new toys !! HAve a great day all - need some food in the house --- my dreaded thing -- grocery shopping .

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Curiousities Matchbox Swap -

What fun these matchbox swaps are ! I don't know what is is about small boxes , but I have always had a special interest in small things ---- I really need to post more often, promising myself to be better about it -- It seems like life goes by at warp speed, so not much time to blog or create lol . --still camera issues -- trying to use my phone to snap pics and now they are upgrading my phone and hasn't worked correctly in two days -- very crazy .

always love making the boxes , but collecting the goodies , is the fun part -- I had such awesome swap partners -- These are what I sent and will post the ones i received next --

i always like to sharea few graphic goodies -- i have printed and cut .
have a great --rest of the week !!!! Kathy - ga ♥

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

I WON !!!!!! I WON !!!!!!!

WOO HOO !!!!! I won the giveaway for $25 certificate at Heather's blog for her shop - So excited -- she has lovely things -- and hosts amazing swaps !!!
been in about 4 and love them so much ,
Go visit her for eye candy -- and visit her shop for creative delights . ( sorry would not high lite the link :(
off to babysit one of my lil punkins -- oh so much fun !!!! Have a great day !!!

Kathy - ga ♥

Monday, September 12, 2011

Priceless --

Just had to post this picture of one of our grandsons on his 1st birthday .
THis is also the way i feel about chocolate & cake .
He was so cute , his face tells of the delight of cake
and chocolate which he had never tasted .

Thursday, September 8, 2011


ok !! i know I am early with my Halloween banner -- but it feels like fall here , and I certainly need the inspiration --this is one i created from 2008 -- but i still love it !!!
Halloween goodies are in the making -- can't give them away yet !!!
Have a cool -day !!! i need a sweater lol ! so glad to have to say that !

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

A sign of the times !

Well i guess i am finally becoming more adept at techno "STUFF " -- of course by the time I understand each new thing --they give me a new phone or update my computer (totally self taught --set up my own blog etc --( 64 yrs young ) and then here we go again --. I am so happy i taught myself how to add a pic and get it to my e mail -- so happy i can share from my phone now -- watch out --may be a lot coming --
I am due to get an I phone in a couple of months , so may be short lived --
I showed a picture before ,of my hubs shop in a pre 1865 house we have on our property, after he built a porch on the back ,
He and my son have been collecting signs (really became pickers --like those on Tv -- as a hobby

These are the ones that were outside quality .. You know doing the mancave thing , well he is a woodturner ,hobby -and has the shop airconditioned but in nice weather spends time outside in his rocker ,with a lemonade .
Went to another auction -- got a great glass display case -- for our countrystore
that we are formulating -- such fun --
Off to make a couple of atc's to swap
Have a great week !!!

Wednesday, August 31, 2011


I do so love the matchbox swaps hosted by

Having participated in about four now , i can say , there are a lot of talented
people in these swaps -- This one will be especially fun as it will include curious things as well as Halloween .

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Thinking of October breezes!

I must say that my mind has turned to Halloween creations -thinking of cool October days after the sweltering summer we have had -- Don't know about you , but we have had so little rain here in our area , all things are wilting -- Living in the countryside --we are on a well -- a very good one -- but we have acreage -- so
alas no watering here .
This is one of the panels of a tryptich i did before -- So love her sweet little face .
So what a you creating ???-- hmmm bty -- I am panting over the new tim holtz products presented at cha summer 2010--- great ideas !!!

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

BIrthday BOY !!!!

What fun we had celebrating our grandson's first birthday . It was army oriented withall dressing in camo our greens -- He had a kids tatoo --so so cute and dog tags and camo . It was an army theme to honor his Uncle who is in Afghanistan He looked so cute in his helmet.

His cousins Elijah and Jordan were in this picture along with Jonah's grandmother who got lots of baby kisses from him

Monday, July 4, 2011

HAppy Independence Day !!!!

Hope all of you are blessed on this great day !!!! will be having fun with family and friends -- We live in the greatest country -- "Freedom isn't free "--
Here a a few pics of my newest family members . I so adore them --they make me smile and maybe you also .
HAve been creatinsg a little and going to auctions (they are addicting -bought a steamer trunk --now i gotta find room for it in my art room lol !!!wish me luck !!
HUgz Kathy ♥

Monday, June 20, 2011


For all my bloggy friends -- my e mail is down due to trying along with 5 different tecchies to put a #3G Microcell --on my hubs cell phone (signal is weak -uh well almost nonexistent--here in the country-- SO I am crazy --without e mail -- hope to remedy it soon --I can see your blogs -- but allows me not to post - except facebook - crazy huh !! well I don't understand ""PUTERS " --
WEll tried to add a picture -- NO go !! HOpe to be back blogging and seeing e mail soon --HUGZ Kathy --:(

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Timetravel in GA

Wow what a whirl these past two months have been --- Very busy but lots of fun -- grandtr going to Dance --and be in Highschool next year -- Hub and grandson --ziplined --yikes -- Hub past 60 is still a kid at heart --
keeping my babies , Trip to the mountains and beach, a new car -Antiquing --so much fun-- Not much art , but have entered a swap with a REd white and blue theme --here are a few in the works. I went a little crazy buying embellies --this is just a part --
MY Hub came in from an auction where he was bidding on signs , with this great old typewriter -- I had been wanting one -not willing to pay $100 for one . Hub got it fo $20 --amazing -- Have to show pics of other great finds from our trip in the next post HUgz to all -Kathy - ga ♥

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Spring creations

Uppermost on my mind today is all who have experienced
loss due to the violent storms .Such destruction and also loss of life .
Praying for all - Experienced hail , heavy rain and wind , and loss of sleep --but so blessed . All our family --incl cousins etc are well .
Wanted to post my goodies I sent to sweet Jane Palmer for the Spring swap hosted by "251 Lake Street blog " . My camera is acting up so I blognapped her photos -- Hope she made some of hers so I can post them -- so so adorable --Thank You sweet JAne .

Saturday, April 23, 2011


Wishing you many Easter Blessings !!

HE IS RISEN !!!!!!

Wednesday, April 13, 2011


My blogging time has slowed down , as I am blessed to keep my two newest grandchildren . I have to create. you understand --it is in our blood-- and while they nap I cut and arrange things on a page , but the finishing is so slow . because the very thing to compliment it is at home in my studio.
Can't show my swappy items as they are a surprise --so thought I would show pics of my favorite springtime things about the house and studio -- you may have seen these before , but it makes my heart smile to see them again - HOpe you are having a wonderful Spring !! Kathy - ga ♥

Friday, March 25, 2011


Our newest little man is growing so much , and he is so sweet -- 2months old -- was 3 weeks early he now weighs about 10 +lbs - He gave his NANA a smile this week -- melted my heart I think he looks like both parents -- I so love keeping him a few days a week .Our other new grandson 8 mths old is so funny --as you will see in the pics -- The photographer is amazing .

HIs MOM and DAD are both onstage people -- and MOM plays the guitar and sings to him .

He also loves books -- which is evidenced in all our family --hmm not sure ifhe is reading DR > SEUSS or the dictionary lol

These are just a few that the photographer took --
Can't wait to see those she will soon take of our youngest --
Loving doing Easter Tags -- and ornaments and banners -- will post soon

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Matchbox Swap --

I am so into swapping these matchboxes -- This is a picture of the ones ,I made for my two swap partners on the Speckled Egg swap .
The theme was Flea Market Chic -- and ours was white chippy .

I am staying busy with my two newest Grandsons -- they are so precious - I can never get enough of them -- Sweet baby kisses --

Trying to catch up on my bloggy friends -- It was oh so lovely here today . WE got to enjoy the sunshine and cheer on our Sweet Grandaghter .
""" YEAH JORDAN """" ( my oldest Grandchild -- Her middle school , girls track team won over 4 schools today . So proud of you !!!!!
Have a greart weekend !!!!! kathy - ga ♥

Monday, January 24, 2011

OUr newest grandson is here !!

Wow amazing whirl-wind days . OUr newest grandson was born 3 + weeks early ..
Doing well God has blessed -- Will be coming home today -- With the days of communication , everyone texting etc -- some know it before those in immediate family in distant areas or states -- Trying not to steal the new parents getting to be the first to tell about their sweet boy -- and post some pics -- if they have time and can see after the 2 am feeding s and up for days lol .
Will catch up later - he has been photoed a zillion time already -- Ok gotta run -- so if no communication , will catch up later -- Think I mailed all swaps and everything and all got to their destinations -- will post soon -- uh maybe -- between baby kisses -- you know we have 4 now -- one turning 12 (b ) today one 13(G ) yrs -- -- and in last six months two more boys -- OH what fun and baby kisses we are getting -- We are so blessed --GOD IS GOOD !!!! HUgs to all -KAthy - ga ♥