Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas everyone!

I love my girls!

Saturday, December 15, 2007


Tagged by Michael Lovato no less! So as I sit here recuperating from a day of shopping with my daughter Kelly (which is much tougher than training!), here is the tag: list five facts about yourself. They can be any five things.

Tagged are the first five people to post a comment!

Okay, per Brigitte's request, here is the revised list:

1. I'm actually a very shy person, I just face it and work through it.
2. I love to play practical jokes and I try to keep my co-workers laughing and happy.
3. I'm DFL in my races but I still love it!
4. I've never streaked, but on my "bucket list" is this mooning.
5. In the 80's, I ran a dating club, which was great as I got first pick!(it really helped me with my shyness!).

On a side note, I am doing fine during this personal transition, the girls are doing fairly well so far too. Hope your holidays are not stressful!

Monday, December 10, 2007

A Very Nice Week Indeed!

I know that seems like a lot of training time, but some of it is low intensity and I'm walking still at this point. Pete really is a great coach!

From: Pete Alfino
Sent: Sunday, December 09, 2007 4:11 PM
To: dkn747@yahoo.com
Subject: review
Duane: Nice job this week. I’m this close (my fingers are held together) to sending out a ranting e-mail which asks my other athletes why a 350lb plus guy can get in 12 hours a week of training and I hear absolutely no complaints (other than a saddle in the ass) and they can’t get in 8 hours. WTF? I got in 12 + hours this week and I’m not training for anything (well maybe something).

Nice work . . . Let’s do this thing…..


Peter S. Alfino
Founder & Head Coach
USAT Certified Coach Level II

Wednesday, December 05, 2007

I've Been Violated!

I went to my first spinning class tonight with my co-worker Brandy, you know the ones, they have those bikes with the really small saddles. I can only imagine it's what prison is like. I hope I can walk tomorrow! LOL

These should be outlawed!

Now this is more like it!