Tuesday, November 17, 2009
I'm Back and Have Some New Giveaways To Share
UPDATE: I thought I was back last night when I wrote this post but now I'm second thinking that. Feeling sicky still but different, sore throat, tired and yada, yada, yada. I won't bore you all with that. Just know I'm thinking of you all and will be back with some decent post as soon as I feel up to it. I'm working on some tags little by little and almost done. I hope to mail them tomorrow and will post pics after that.
Hugs and back to the original post.......
I listed a couple of new giveaways that I found for ya'll to take a look at.
The first one is:
Linda over at Robin Egg Blues. She's giving away 3 Inspirations kits celebrating her 100th post. You read right ~ there will be 3 winners. Make sure you click here or click her blue swan on my sidebar and go by Linda's blog and congratulate her on her 100th post and then maybe I'll be congratulating you on winning.
The second giveaway is:
Donna over at Brynwood Needleworks. She's got a fabulous giveaway as well. Just tons of great items to celebrate her 200th post. I hope you'll all stop in and see her lovely creations and enter her contest too. You can click here or go to the button on my side bar.
Friday, November 13, 2009
Just a quick update
I just wanted to let you know that I'm not ignoring anyone but I've been not feeling so well the last couple of days. So if you've emailed me, I'm sorry I haven't been able to get back to you yet. When I get a chance I read them but hate writing back when I'm not feeling pleasant. You deserve better than that. You're emails mean so much. I love you all. Right now I'm going to have to take a pain pill (which I never do) and will probably be in bed the rest of the day. I hate to take it knowing it's going to cost me a whole day. Anyway, just wanted to let everyone know - NOT IGNORING and I will be back soon.
Love, Tracy
And The Winner Is.........

First I'd like to thank all of you from the bottom of my heart for the sweet comments. They brighten my day so much. I just love meeting all the wonderful people I've met and consider so many dear friends. I hope you'll all continue to come back and visit often and keep me up to date on all the fun things in your lives and if you need a friend to share any sadness. I'm here for that too.
Now back to the winner. The winner is:
Congratulations Deb. Please contact me by email at cottonpickincute@hotmail.com and share your address and I will get you Fall Giveaway package in the mail.
Hugs to you all....Tracy :)
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Fall Giveaway ends at midnight

I want to thank all those who have already ended. I've enjoyed reading your comments so much. You have given me many smiles and lots of joy. If you haven't entered time is running out so hurry and enter now!
I hope it helps ready your house for the gathering of friends and family. The giveaway is opened through Wednesday midnight November 11, 2009. I will draw the winner on Thursday November 12th.
Hugs and love to all my sweet friends and followers....Tracy :)
A Heartfelt Thank You To All Who Have Served

A few new November Blog Give Aways To Share
Number 1 is Sharon at My Vintage Studio has a Ewe-Too-Cute giveaway you should check out, just click here.

Number 2 is from Kerryanne at Shabby Art Boutique.
In celebration of all that is good right now: new business, new lifestyle, great health and wonderful friends, she is having a Blog Giveaway. On the 20th November she will draw a winner who will receive this 10" x 10" mixed media cupcake painting, plus a selection of 4 cuppies from my new range of Faux cakes at Woodberry Designs. You can see the beautiful painting in the button on my sidebar.
God Bless You All!!!!
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
One Day Left To Enter Fall Giveaway & Craft A Day Is Back
On top of that this camera has me so frustrated it's like why did I commit to do something when my pictures don't even show what they look like. (Sorry, I'm frustrated). A sweet new friend Pam has been so kind and tried to give me some help but so far I haven't been able to find it on this camera.
So now after all my whining are the pictures of one craft. I decoupaged these bird house ornaments. (Believe me, they look prettier than the photos show).
*****Also, I wanted to remind you if you have not entered my fall giveaway do it now. The deadline to enter is Wednesday at midnight. That gives you one more day.****
I made 3 of them.
I bought these houses already built at the Dollar Tree. Guess how much I paid for them. Ya'll are so smart, yep $1.00 apiece. First I painted all of them white where it might show. Then I covered this one with a pretty white scrapbook paper with blue violets. I cut some other flowers, butterflies & dragon flies from some more paper and decoupaged them on top. I trimmed the eves and base with some more paper. I replaced the twine hanger with ribbon and added a banner that I cut from a box of tea and some satin roses.

Here's the back side.

More of the same steps. You get the idea.

Here's the back side. I used some heart shaped paper clips placed in a circle with a little flower and button on top.

Well, that's it for today. But I promise you'll see more crafts everyday I hope. Actually I'm hoping that you get more than one a day to make of for the ones I missed. They're in the works.
Friday, November 6, 2009
Please Join Me For A Cookie
I just hate showing you the pictures with this camera but it's all I've got. I spent a little time baking this morning. And no this is not the craft of the day. I hope to get that on before midnight tonight.
If you like something really sweet then you will love these Cream Cheese Cookies. They're really easy too.

I've listed the recipe below if you'd like to try it. They're yummy and you store them in the fridge, that is if they last that long. Honestly I have a major sweet tooth but I couldn't eat more than two of these at the time.
Still Making A Craft A Day Sorta ~ Day #3
Well every night I seem to post later and later. I am trying my best not to skip a day. I sorta cheated with this one. I really needed to finish a surprise that I'm sending someone but I don't want to show it until they get it. So instead I'm posting something I made sometime ago. Three prim country Christmas stockings. One for a girl and two for guys. I made this from a pattern but I can't actually remember which one. They were really simple and pretty quick to make.

I don't intend for the entire 30 days to be on Christmas but so far it's looking that way. I have no definite plan but lots of ideas.

That's it tonight folks. I'm going to try to go to bed earlier tonight so I can accomplish a little more tomorrow.
I want to thank you all for stopping by and leaving such sweet comments. You don't know how they make my day. I read everyone and smile. I love you guys!
Have a fun Friday. Hugs....Tracy
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Here we go Craft Day #2
Ya'll will have to excuse my horrible pictures. I need a new camera so bad. Anyone out there want to be my Secret Santa? LOL
Back to craft day #2. I decided to make ornaments out of jewelry boxes. This is a great way to use up all those little scraps of paper and ribbon and lace. I had so much fun on the first one that I ended up making 5! Very easy, this is a great craft project for anyone to do. So easy that I didn't think anyone needed a tutorial on this one. Kinda like follow by pictures sorta thing.

I used scrapbook paper, some Christmas magazine pages and some even some music sheets and glued them on the back of the inside and around the inside edges as well as all of the outside. I added cut outs and used pop up dots to give them a dimensional look. I also used some raffia in the bottom of one. I used a lime green metallic wreath (like 11-13") to make the Christmas tree. Boy that poor wreath has been through it. I've cut it up for quite a few projects. After trimming around the top (and sometimes the bottom or even all around) with paper and lace borders I cut the back of a few decorative buttons off and glued them on as well.

Darn this camera....Darn it, Darn it, Darn it!

Tuesday, November 3, 2009
This is a BIG one ~ Like 30 days BIG

Actually I did this scarecrow a few years ago. I just thought it was an appropriate time to show it. He was made with muslin and a few other fabric scraps and a little raffia. Easy to do face with magic markers. When I hung him up last year I added couple of extra nails in and hung the raffia on his wrist and ankle so it looked like he was waving and jumping. He had a little more raffia hair coming out from under his hat but I guess the stress of being boxed up in the attic made his hair fall out. Ha-Ha.

Here's a close up of his happy face. As you can tell by the crow on his shoulder he didn't take his job of being a scarecrow too seriously.
Monday, November 2, 2009
Gingerbread Man Giveaway Alert

Sunday, November 1, 2009
Fall Chill Brings Out Warm Hearted Giveaways