Thursday, October 20, 2011

Sometimes. Just Sometimes.

Sometimes I think... I am totally done with city living. I have absolutely loved my experience here, but every once in a while - I feel GREAT about moving on.

Like when both of my children are screaming in their car seats and I am having to fight for a space in the parking garage (Let alone trying to back into a spot with all the chaos).

Or when I am trying to take the stroller, diaper bag, car seat, and both of my kids down to the garage only to be met by a set of stairs that can only be avoided by going down another level and walking in the path of traffic.

Or when I have to go grocery shopping and the only way to get the food upstairs is to take the girls up, put them in their cribs, and lock the door until I can go and get a cart, take it to the car, bring in the groceries and return the cart to the lobby. This includes four elevator trips and five doors to unlock.

Or when I walk Matthew to the metro and there is a huge riot/protest parading down our street - making me feel terrible about the fact that he is headed to the airport.

Or when I get asked for money almost every time I go out.

Or when those nasty pigeons fly in a formation around me, no doubt planning a vicious attack.

Or when I realize that having friends over is somewhat of an impossibility due to the fact that there is little to no parking around my house.

Or when visiting friends is at the very minimum a 15 minute drive away, but usually more like 45 minutes each way.

Or when cigar smoke smell fills my bathroom, closet and bedroom because someone is smoking in the apartment next to us.

Don't get me wrong - I couldn't be more grateful for the time we have had here. But Sometimes, just sometimes, I am ok with moving on.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

All for the Best

I love those moments as a mom where you can't help but laugh at your kids - I love it when people share these, so I thought I would write a few down so as not to forget them.

- We were at the Natural History museum and we came upon a bronze statue of a child in the evolution exhibit. Carolyn jumped out of the stroller and grabbed the child's hand, "Hi friend." She pulled on his hand. "Come on! Go!" She took a few steps away and motioned for him to follow her. For several minutes she talked to him and tried to talk him into moving. No such luck.

- We had just walked out the door heading to church when Carolyn stopped and starting bolting back to the door. "My furse! My furse!" (My purse). I had no idea where she got this notion. Seriously. I don't even carry a purse. I am shocked she even knew what it was, and to top it all off, she made sure she had her water bottle in her "furse" before she swung it over her shoulder and sauntered out the door again.

- I put Carolyn down for a nap and all was quiet. All of the sudden I heard her yelling, "Claire, help me! Help me Claire!" No idea why, but I am so glad she is ready for her co-conspirator to join her and save her from the dreaded naptime.

- We had just arrived at Costco when I placed both of the girls in the seats of the double-wide cart. Finding themselves next to each other, the girls burst into uncontrollable laughter. The whole way into the store, they giggled and giggled, sending me into a fit of laughter as well.

- I was on the phone with a friend and Carolyn was clearly ready for some attention. She walked into the back room and came back with a big black mark on her face. I quickly ended my conversation and ran to the bathroom. It was curious, but she had taken my mascara and painted her toes with it. Apparently she had taken one attempt at her eyelashes and poked herself in the eye... screwed the lid back on, put it back in my toiletry bag, and came to show me her her efforts.

- I don't know how to put this one into words, but if you have ever seen the youtube video called "Charlie bit me" you will know how the scene plays. Carolyn will be wrestling with Claire and all of the sudden the tide will turn. Claire will grab ahold of some of Carolyn's hair and the game isn't so much fun anymore. "Ouch! Ouch Claire! Hurt!" Makes me laugh every time that the 7-month-old gets the better of the almost 2-year-old... every time.

I love these little ones. So much.