Thursday, November 11, 2010

.:. Mix feelings now

I purposely blog abt 'this matter' in here...I just got a news that makes my whole day a very sad day....bercampur gaul perasaan skrg ni...I cant really write the abt it in here..because it is a very personal matters to me....But I just want to share the feelings that I have now...Sangat sedih..kecewa...rasa nak nangis...geram...benci...sume ada...
The reason i blog abt my feelings in here..simply because I want this date to be remembered by me...Kalau ikutkan hati yg tgh sakit ni..nak je tulis abt it a human...we cant share anything...there is certain things that have to be keep in our heart safely...sebagai manusia...kite ada harga diri yg kena kite kena jaga dan hormati...

Ya Allah Ya Tuhanku...bantulah hambamu ini..agar lebih kuat untuk menempuhi segala dugaan mu..Amin..

*p/s: Pls eh...jgn plak fikir yang the matter above is related to my is totally not!!! But is related to my family....*

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