this is the oldest huseas boy he rocks i love it its called "A Rockin Christmas" lol soo yup its like noel and some other christmas music all rocked out i think he made it but im not sure lol........
soo its been snowing all night and it might snow again tonight i hope we get snowed in soo my grampa doesnt have to leave idont want him too sooo ya also i dont want to go to school even tho this is the last week til..... CHRISTMAS BREAK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YAYAYAYA LALALA
soo this week on wendsday is the winter wonderland fashion show ughhh im scared im incharge of it and am hoping it goes okay its for young mens and young womens well omg... ya
Okay Story time....
Once apon a time in a place called Las Vegas, 5 girls decided to take a trip to see the... JONAS BROTHERS live in concert... it was...
Kimber the Fantastic..
Coral The Great...
Bri The Sexy Beast... Tosh The Amazing.. [TOSH HAS BROWN HAIR]
And Corteny the Best....
as the girls went into the concert to find there seats we found out we were at the verrrry top in the Verrry Back... but us being us we were happy we could even be there. As the concert started we all screamed with joy. first to open the concert was a new band called honor sociaty.... then came on demie lavato... as we were having funn... and taking manny pics... this guy that had a cool beard and a cowboys hat, came up to the Verrrry Top In the Verrry back and gave us new tickets he said anyone have 7 in a group we said no then he said how about 5 (!!) in a group we said we doo [hehe] and thats when the reall fun started we shouted with joy when i read out loud "fl 7" on the ticket at first i did not know what Fl Ment but thats because im havent been to a reall concert before... unlike kimber lol... as we gave our tickets to the people who derect us to the correct seats to sit we found out we were at the very front then we gave them to someone else to derect us further to the front.... when we got to the verrrrryy front of the concert we toched the stage... then we had to go through securety to get to our V.I.P SEATS!!!!!! as we screamed and screamed and screamed i was sooo very happy to be there.... [thank you Kimber the Fantastic] soo when we sat down we took aton of pics as you will be able to seee later on when i put them in my blog..... soo i hope you enjoyed my storie i will tell the rest another day when my hand does not hurt from typing soo fast.... [hehe]
by coral burr