Tuesday, May 18, 2010

It's looking like a house!

The kids and I go on a daily bike ride over to see the progress of our new house! Today was exciting because the roof shingles were going on.

Mike and his crew of family and friends have been amazing. Thank you to everyone who has helped!!! I believe plumbing, electric and heating guys are all coming this week!!!
Calista has figured out crawling. She really motors now, and she has the most adorable crawl in the world. She sticks her left leg out and crawls on that foot and swings her leg. I will try to post a video, it is so funny. She is pulling up to stand on everything and she is into EVERYTHING! I forgot how squirmy and wiggly they are at this age, she just wants to be on the ground moving.

Friday, May 14, 2010

Sadie is a Lady

My adorable little Sadie is growing up, yesterday was her first day of preschool. She was so excited because she got to go to school just like David! I dropped her off and then the parents can go behind a special one-sided glass window and watch their kids. So I watch Sadie cry and cry, covering her face saying "I want my Mamma" over and over. I about died, it was so sad. The teachers told me it was best to just let her 'cry it out' and it would eventually get better. An hour later she did calm down but as soon as I walked in to get her she burst into tears again. Afterwards we went to go and get her an ice cream cone for being such a big girl. I hope she wants to go back on Monday.... When I asked her today if she liked preschool she said YES, so hopefully it will be a good experience for her.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

the life..

I know everyone is sick of seeing pictures of palm desert, but I am having a hard time adjusting back to Idaho temperatures. It is too cold...I miss my mom making dinner, the kids entertaining themselves in the pool and the lazy and relaxing days.

Mike got to enjoy a few days of sun.

By the end of our trip David was swimming without his water wings everywhere, he was diving and doing back flips off the side of the pool.

The highlights included the street fair, a little bit of shopping, turtle park, hill and I getting our eyebrows threaded, Bristol Farms, squeezing fresh grapefruit juice, movies, and watching the kids in the water.

Cali enjoyed the sun, I really had to work hard to keep her WHITE skin from burning. She LOVED the water.
Our friends Erin and Romney (aka Ika and Rika) came to visit and go to dinner! We had so much fun seeing them

The kids are keeping busy now that we are back. Preschool, birthday parties, bike riding and checking out the amazing progress on the house. I picked out shingle colors today! yea yea yea

Monday, May 03, 2010

still in the des

Palm Desert is being good to us. The weather couldn't be better. My dad and brother are now here, and the kids are having a grand time.
This past week a cousin of mine was here with her kids. They are the same ages as David and Sadie. The kids played so well together all week long. Here is Sadie and Tayla
David and Tyson!
And as usual, Calista is just as happy as ever. She is enjoying the pool and all the action that is going on!
Our vacation is coming to an end soon though, Mike comes to get us this week, we can't wait to see him. This pic is for you Mike, drinking my freshly squeezed daily glass of grapefruit juice, thinking of you!

3D fun

One day last week the kids and I went to a movie at the Imax, IN 3D. It was David and Sadie's first 3D experience, and they LOVED wearing the glasses, even though they were huge on them.
'How to train your dragon' was actually a super cute show. I really enjoyed it myself! Go see it if you haven't. I just had to post these pictures of them with their glasses, they looked so funny.