Oct 14, 2009

The Backyard

For the rest of our trip you could find me sitting on the back porch chatting with my grandparents (Cherished memories, I love hearing them talk about "back then.") while Emmett played and played in the yard. (I am totally guilty of backyard envy!)

I had a wonderful and very relaxing time! This trip was everything I hoped it would be and more. My parents didn't get much mention in my posts, but they are the best! They always take such good care of us. I am grateful that Paul encouraged me to take advantage of the opportunity to go see my grandparents and introduce Emmett to them. We are sad that we missed Scott's farewell talk, but are grateful for the more relaxed time that we were able to spend with him a few weeks earlier.

Oct 13, 2009

The Farm

Always a favorite! I feel so lucky to have an Aunt and Uncle who own a farm.
Emmett had a blast with his cousins! Here is a video of them later that night on the air mattress...

Oct 12, 2009

The Lake

I don't remember the name of it, but it was very pretty and oh so peaceful! I love putting on a jacket and spending an afternoon in the mountains!

(Amy is the best little Aunt Emmett could ask for!)

Oct 11, 2009

The Trampoline

Amy is sitting behind him.

Oct 9, 2009

My September Vacation

Back in September I made a special trip up north so that Emmett could meet his Great Grandma and Grandpa T. I hadn't seen my grandparents in a couple of years so I jumped at the chance to visit them at my parent's house. (They live out in the midwest) It was so nice to spend almost a week with them. They really seemed to enjoy being around Emmett.

The other equally important reason we took this special trip was so that we could spend time with Emmett's Uncle Scott before he leaves on his mission...

Of course we also enjoyed seeing Paul's parents, Matthew, Grandpa M., my parents, Mark and Amy, Dave's family, Grandma and Grandpa N. and the Wayments! (Did I forget anyone? I hope not) We are so blessed!
My next few posts will be about this trip.

Oct 8, 2009

The Children's Museum

We had a great time at the Children's Museum last week. Emmett seemed to love it all! He is just old enough to really enjoy it. I loved watching him dance on the stage...

Oct 7, 2009

Baby in the House!

I had the pleasure of babysitting my friend Becky's sweet little Kevin last week. It was so fun to watch Emmett interact with him and try to be a baby too. It quickly became apparent that I don't have a baby anymore:(

(You can see more pictures of Kevin on my photography blog.)

Oct 6, 2009

Me and my Emily's!

Two of my closest roommates (and friends) came to visit 2 weekends ago. We laughed and talked and laughed some more. We spent the day at the beach and then came home to watch the General Relief Society broadcast. We were exhausted after the beach so we watched the broadcast on the computer from the comfort of my bed. Both of these girls are expecting babies in the spring! I am SO excited for them and can't wait to get together again soon!

(Please note that this is a picture of when Emmett almost got washed away.)

Oct 5, 2009

Guess who...

will be serving in the Denver, Colorado North mission!

We are so proud of you Scott!
He will enter the MTC on October 21st

Oct 4, 2009

We love conference weekend!

(and not just because we get to stay in our pajamas all day;)

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