Jul 16, 2006

New York, New York

I had a great time with my cousins in New York City this past weekend. . . Time square was filled with excitement as usual. . .

I went to my first Broadway play. . .It was wonderful!
I took this picture for Paul. Ernst & Young has an awesome office building right in Time Square!
The last time I went to NY was three weeks before September 11th. It was heart breaking to visit Ground Zero and be reminded of the great tragedy that occured.
It is so incredible to drive down the streets of Manhattan and see the LDS temple!

Jul 8, 2006

The Lake

We decided that we needed to play on the Fourth of July. It had been a while since I had gone swimming in a lake and it was pretty nasty, but I got over it and we had a really fun day.

This weekend we went out and tubed the river with some of my co-workers. Again, the water was gross, but it was totally worth it!

Washington D.C.

I Love the D.C. Temple!

After going to the temple P and I bought all day passes for the Metro and cruised all over the city. We had an absolute blast! There is so much to see and so little time. We have plans to return before the summer is over.

P was part of the Washington Seminar program two years ago. It was great seeing where he lived etc. We also enjoyed meeting some of the BYU students that are in the program this summer.
We had a delicious sea food dinner on the banks of a stream that runs into the Potomac River.

The Washington Monument . . . I have yet to go to the top, but someday. . . Isn't it beautiful!

The new World War II monument is really well done, as you can see in the top left picture. It was so fun to sit and relax there. Everyone just takes their shoes off and cools down with their feet soaking in the pool.
There was a culture fair down by the monuments. We saw some really cool things there, one of them being this truck! Pretty sweet huh. I also had my first Mango Lassie. Yum! Yum!

Manly Facial Hair...NOT!

It all began about ten years ago when I started growing facial hair. Every so often, I would abstain from shaving for a period of time to evaluate my "manly" facial hair. Well, it has been a while since the last time I had the opportunity to evaluate my ability to grow facial hair. Well, I am sad to report that it doesn't look much different than it did when I was 15. Oh well...

I attached two pictures as evidence. I concluded that I just was not meant to have facial hair. It's that plain and simple...

THE TRUTH: L didn't like kissing me with the facial hair so it certainly behooved me to get rid of it. ;-)

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