Jan 31, 2010

My Mom Says...

I am not posting often enough on my photography blog, so I have started another blog just for her.  It is called "Lori's Little Things."  If you are interested in all of the little things that are going on in my life too feel free to follow this new blog. . . .


(The reason I am deserting cookie sheets (this blog) is because the layout is messed up and beyond fixing.  It kind of drives me nuts!)

Jan 8, 2010

We have relocated!

From now on I will be blogging at lorisheetsphotography.com. I would love for you to come and visit me over there! Don't forget to add it to your reader or favorites.

Happy 2010!!

Jan 3, 2010

Merry Christmas to me!

This gift is going to bring about some great changes in my blogging world.

Stay tuned...

Dec 21, 2009

What Shall We Give?

I really enjoyed watching this video this morning on my friend Christie's blog. I always need little reminders like this during the Christmas season.

Dec 20, 2009

From our ghetto living room studio...

These are the pictures that Paul took of me and Emmett when we were taking our family photos last Saturday. Now you can really see my hair. I would say these photos are most accurate as far as showing my hair color goes. Click HERE to see a few of the pictures I took of Paul and Emmett.

Dec 3, 2009

November Video - "Have a great day!"

This melts my heart every time! Emmett had 10 adults waving goodbye to him at Kohl's today as they attempted to get him to say, "Have a great day!" just one more time. I am the first to admit that once is never enough. I make him say it at least five times a day!

Nov 29, 2009


A.  Emmett loves watching for the garbage man out the window.  Just this month he figured out how to put his mega blocks together and now plays with them everyday.

B.  We had a nice cool morning a few weeks back so we headed out for a little adventure.  Emmett loved this trail and the dirt he got to play in.  I loved watching him run down the trail so fast he couldn't help but giggle.

C.  We enjoyed having Paul's parent's down for a visit this month.  The highlight was going to the San Diego Zoo.  This was my first time there and I was shocked at how big it is!  I am glad we decided to take the double decker bus tour first and then walk to our favorite exhibits.

D.  Emmett got Roseola this month (a rash and fever that lasts for a few days).  I tried getting a picture of his rash, but it didn't turn out very well.  We babysat a friend of Emmett's one evening and as you can see they played great together!  Emmett is really into watching TV now.  He thought he was so smart when he pulled his chair up 1 foot away from the TV.

E.  He goes down the slide all by himself and look how big he is in his stroller!

F.  He loves to swing at the park, but for a limited amount of time.  The picture on the left is him signing "all done."

G.  I took him to a park where I knew there would be a lot of leaves for him to play in.  I think he enjoyed it.

H.  All dressed up for church one Sunday.

I.  We had Thanksgiving dinner with our friends Randy and Jacque and the missionaries.  We took Emmett to the Urgentcare at 9:30am that morning and found out he had two ear infections along with his bad cold.  The Dr. said he was still highly contageous so Emmett spent most of his time in the pack n play while we were at Thanksgiving dinner.  We stopped at the Cummings on our way home, which is always fun.

Other news...  Paul got second place in the biggest loser competition at work!  He lost 23lbs!!  I have been taking Emmett to a music makers class and he LOVES it!  I do too!  It is so fun to watch him learn the songs, play with friends and to hang out with other mom's during the week.  Emmett escaped from the nursery today when all of the other parents were picking up their kids. A nice girl in our ward found him downstairs in the gym!  She was walking him down the hall to find me when I spotted him.  Of course Mr. Independent wasn't one bit upset by the incident.  We put up our Christmas tree last night and are really in the Christmas spirit this year.  I am learning to not associate the weather with holiday's and it is really making them more enjoyable in CA!

Nov 18, 2009

Photography Blogsite

I just finished setting up my official photography blogsite!  Hurray!  (It took me forever!!!)  Anyway, go take a look and add it to your reader.  I just posted my most recent photo session.  lorisheetsphotography.com

You can now become a fan of Lori Sheets Photography on Facebook!  Click HERE to go to my fan page.  (I think that link will work.  Let me know if it doesn't.   I am new at all of this stuff!!)
PS I have been meaning to mention on here that I created a blog for my little brother Scott who is serving a mission.  My mom is updating it regularly with letters and pictures.  For those of you who are interested visit http://www.missionaryscott.blogspot.com/

Nov 1, 2009

October At Our House

You can see a few more pics from this month on my photography blog.

September and October Videos

Oct 14, 2009

The Backyard

For the rest of our trip you could find me sitting on the back porch chatting with my grandparents (Cherished memories, I love hearing them talk about "back then.") while Emmett played and played in the yard. (I am totally guilty of backyard envy!)

I had a wonderful and very relaxing time! This trip was everything I hoped it would be and more. My parents didn't get much mention in my posts, but they are the best! They always take such good care of us. I am grateful that Paul encouraged me to take advantage of the opportunity to go see my grandparents and introduce Emmett to them. We are sad that we missed Scott's farewell talk, but are grateful for the more relaxed time that we were able to spend with him a few weeks earlier.

Oct 13, 2009

The Farm

Always a favorite! I feel so lucky to have an Aunt and Uncle who own a farm.
Emmett had a blast with his cousins! Here is a video of them later that night on the air mattress...

Oct 12, 2009

The Lake

I don't remember the name of it, but it was very pretty and oh so peaceful! I love putting on a jacket and spending an afternoon in the mountains!

(Amy is the best little Aunt Emmett could ask for!)

Oct 11, 2009

The Trampoline

Amy is sitting behind him.

Oct 9, 2009

My September Vacation

Back in September I made a special trip up north so that Emmett could meet his Great Grandma and Grandpa T. I hadn't seen my grandparents in a couple of years so I jumped at the chance to visit them at my parent's house. (They live out in the midwest) It was so nice to spend almost a week with them. They really seemed to enjoy being around Emmett.

The other equally important reason we took this special trip was so that we could spend time with Emmett's Uncle Scott before he leaves on his mission...

Of course we also enjoyed seeing Paul's parents, Matthew, Grandpa M., my parents, Mark and Amy, Dave's family, Grandma and Grandpa N. and the Wayments! (Did I forget anyone? I hope not) We are so blessed!
My next few posts will be about this trip.

Oct 8, 2009

The Children's Museum

We had a great time at the Children's Museum last week. Emmett seemed to love it all! He is just old enough to really enjoy it. I loved watching him dance on the stage...

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