Today was Jackson's last day of Primary. Jackson was ordained to the office of a Deacon 3 weeks ago, and so today was his 2nd time to help pass the Sacrament, and his first Sunday sitting on the stand behind the Bishop. Next Sunday will be Garrett's first day of Primary as a Sunbeam. Lots of changes for us in the last year. I also wanted gush a little and let you all know how sweet my eldest son is, stopping me in the hall to kiss me on the check. And Garrett is always cracking us up. His latest is "I'm so very....hungry/tired/etc" and "darnit!". Bailey and I went shopping to exchange a few things. She wears me out. She has managed to make more messes than we can clean up so far, but it's fun having everyone home and having family time.
Happy Anniversary
Today we have been married for 14 years. It certainly doesn't seem like that long. I look forward to many more decades with my hubby.
just a little BRAGGING!!
My niece and nephew are the cute kids on this page!! Of course, all of my nieces and nephews are cute, no doubt about that!!
Just another update
I wanted to share how cute Garrett was today. It was only for a few minutes, and then he was onry again. We went to our Stake Nativity Exhibit and after he saw the displays he loved it. We had to leave and go listen to the primary kids sing and he kept saying he wanted to go see the 'beautiful things'. That's it, see just a split second, he was throwing a fit almost the entire time. I didn't get to hear the kids sing because I had Garrett in the hall so he wouldn't disturb everyone around us. This month has been so busy, as I'm sure it has for everyone, but I will try to keep up.
I've mentioned before that Garrett has some 'issues', and last night at the Ward Christmas party (which our Activities Committee did a fantastic job) they had the lights out, and Garrett told me 'I can't stay here'. Poor guy is really afraid of the dark, even if he's on Mom's lap.
Things kids say
I found these stamps that say cute things from kids and they made me smile (and my kids are all asleep which always makes me smile)
don't try the cake go for the icing - happy birthday
all you need in life is a friend who has chocolate
if your feeling blue - try painting yourself a different color
happy birthday - how many fingers are you?
if your dog doesn't like somebody maybe you shouldn't either
sometimes you just need to take a nap and get over it
count your rainbows, not your thunderstorms
life is like a roller coaster. it goes up and down, and makes you scream and costs a lot to ride.
you make me smile all over my face (my favorite)