
Try not to fall off your chair, yes another post

Out of the mouth of babes.

We were at Jackson's school for open house, and one of his teachers had a short video that we could watch. In this video was a lady that had a gap between her two front teeth, kind of like Madonna but a little bigger. Bailey said "She's missing a front tooth!" It was one of those moments where you laugh because it was funny and caught you off guard, then a feeling of pride comes over you because it was funny, and then thankful because no one else was in the room to hear it. It is really fun to see your kids personalities and sense of humor develop, but not always as much fun to experience it in person :)

This reminded me of a friends story of a lady who did not speak very good english, so she had a friend that would go with her to appointments to translate. Now I can't remember if she was having a problem with her teeth, went for a check up, or went with the intent of talking to the doctor about her 2 big front teeth that she hated.
While at the dentist, they were having trouble understanding what she wanted. They called her friend to helped communicate so they could understand what she wanted. The two friends spoke. Now the translator did not want to tell the doctor what she wanted, but she told them.

She wanted them to take out her 2 big front teeth and put in 3 smaller ones.

Can anyone photoshop a picture of that? I don't know photoshop, and I don't think I could do it without using a box of kleenex from laughing so much I'd cry. And a roll of toilet paper for the tears that would run down my legs.

(Meagan, if I messed up this story feel free to correct me)


Garrett lost a tooth!

I remember Bailey lost her first tooth when she was older, I blogged about it. And so I will remember, Garrett has lost his first tooth! He lost it on Sunday night. I think he must have be a little scared it would hurt because he wouldn't try to pull it out. At bedtime, I got him a drink and he almost swallowed it. It was so loose it just fell out. Then tonight at dinner, the second one fell out. We kept telling him not to swallow it, but he did. He took a drink of his water and the next thing he knew it was gone.

It reminded me of when Jackson lost his first tooth. He was in 1st grade and bit into an apple. I think he swallowed it, or he wrapped it in a napkin and threw it away with his trash from lunch. I don't remember which, but I do remember that both happened to Jackson with his first 2 teeth he lost. That was before I blogging.


Things you never thought you would say or hear at church

As I sat at church yesterday, I was amazed at what I said and heard at church yesterday. It can be challenging to attend with kids, but right now I think it would also be boring without them.

"Stop taking pictures and give me the camera!"

"Get your hand out of my shirt!"

"Get your feet out of my bag!"

"An apple just hit the back of my shoe." and then "Did you have an apple up there?"

I just wanted to remember these things.