Saturday, January 8, 2011

Time Flies

Here are a few pics from this fall and winter. We have not brought the camera out much....hoping to get a new one eventually so we can catch shots of the dogs moving without complete blurs.

Kix loves the sun. This was one of the last warm days in November.

Kash's first sunbathing, he is not big on laying down outside.

First snow. What is this stuff?

Kash then realized that it was like the biggest snowcone ever and wanted to eat it all.

Monday, September 6, 2010

Kash Visits with Biological Sisters

Kash visited with Jazmin and Jade this weekend. It was great to see him with them. He is pretty much identical to Jazmin "A" - the oldest. Jade is "B" and Kash is "E". We hope to visit with them again soon. Kash is wearing the green ID collar and martingale, Jazmin is wearing the lilac collar, and Jade is wearing the jade colored collar.

Sunday, August 15, 2010


How are you exercising your dogs in this heat?

We have a fenced yard which allows the pups to potty and frolick a bit, but we haven't been taking them for walks since this heat got brutal.

Attached is a picture of our soon-to-be son, Kash. Sorry for the phone camera pic.

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Long time, no write

I have been a blogging slacker.

We have been getting over the loss of Baron and are doing pretty well now - thanks to all of our friends. For those who are wondering, we did chose to have him cremated but have not yet spread ashes anywhere. My coworkers gave us a nice hydrangea bush which we planted in a very large pot in our backyard.

We have taken a break from Meet & Greet duties since May. We spent a few months with just the two girls until we were asked to take a foster whose adoption had disrupted.

So right now we have Kebo Kash. He is doing very well and we are working with him to get over his "issues." We are trying to introduce him to new things, sights, and sounds everyday. He does not care for loud noises.

So that is about it for now.

Monday, May 17, 2010

He Ran the Race

05/25/2010 - 05/16/2010

Tuesday, January 19, 2010


My dogs have bad gas. I swear Maggie has been trying to asphyxiate me over the last 3 days. They have enjoyed the sun this week.