Monday, April 30, 2012
MBA friends
As luck would have it, 5 of us from the BYU MBA class of 2011 moved within 2 hours from each other. It's been a life saver! I've really enjoyed Michigan, but knowing that I get to see these old friends every once in a while brings a comfort I can't explain. Two of the families were in Grand Rapids a few weeks ago (and 2 of us live here) so we hosted an impromptu BBQ. It's so refreshing to reconnect every time we see them! The kids set up their chairs to eat out back. 

Missed you Andersons!
Saturday, April 21, 2012
Wednesday, April 18, 2012
This sign is at a local garden and sculpture park we have passes to. Every time we pass it it makes me laugh.
3.4: The Buzz Cut
Thank goodness we've been blessed with three boys becuase when theyir hairs starts to get long, the only thing I know to do is get out the clippers. Austin had his first encounter just after he turned 10 months. At first he didn't mind it, but he changed his mind pretty qucikly. Luckily as a team Matt and I can work quick!
Proof is was time for a trim |
The Reveal
2.27: FHE- Putting on the Armor of God
Matt taught our family home evening lesson on putting on the whole armor of God. Brayden got to be the righteous one as Taylor tried attacking him with bad choices.
2.11: Valentine's Day Sweetheart Splash
In Print: March 2012
Hurry- drop everything you're doing and go check your mailbox for the latest issue of Pet Age... I'll wait.
Oh- you don't subscribe to the Backer Publication for 'practical ideas for the busy pet retailer of today... and tomorrow'- ya, me neither! BUT if you do get your hands a March issue flip to page 56- a wise Associate Brand Manager has some good tips for you about how to remove that pesky pet hair from your home! :)
Tuesday, February 28, 2012
Austin {8 months} 12.25
Merry Christmas baby boy!!!
How fun to celebrate your 'month' birthday on Christmas! And you got to open presents for it too! :) This last month you spent some time in Colorado and you were AWESOME on the flight. That was really nice. You got to play with your cousin Rex again- although you two didn't play together all that much. You take two naps a day, usually 2 + hours each. You still have just the 4 teeth, but more are coming soon!!!
Austin {6 months} 10.25
On your '6 month birthday we made you dress up as a polar bear for our church trunk-or-treat. You didn't mind it too much and I even drew your whiskers and nose on while you slept. You sleep in your car seat so good! I love it! You'll sit through at least 1 1/2 hours of church in it. Your brothers still can;t get enough of you. You've started to like baths now. I'm not sure what changed but you used to SCREAM anytime I laid you down in the water and would only want to take showers. You're starting to move your legs in the water and you laugh when the water rushes back up by your head. you"re still nursing 4 solid times a day, but solid foods are realy peaking your interest.
Austin {5 months} 9.25
You're such a happy boy- we love having you around.
You started solid foods this month, not a huge fan of oatmeal or rice cereal by itself but you LOVE pears and I can sneak it in with the pureed pears.
family picture- a how-to
how to get that perfect family picture!
set up tripod- take a test shot |
get a subject |
tell subject not to move |
make sure anyone who wants to be the subject gets a turn |
use both subjects to check focus and flash |
add a taller subject to check heigth |
get the whole family together in the shot |
try a different angle (fat arm is still there dang it! am i right Rhandi?:) |
don't let smaller subjects act silly or you turn out with something like this (and still- a 'thigh-sized' arm!) |
try sitting down, maybe that will keep them still and focused |
don't move of your camera can't keep up |
smile, cut out your fat arm and only post to blog... find a picture of a meadow or bridge to hang in place of giant family portrait in your home! better luck next time! |
Silly Kids
On Wednesdays the boys have soccer class at the Y while I teach swim lessons. We come home later that evening and rush to get everyone fed and in bed. Matt usually watches their soccer practice and then I bring everyone home and Matt meets us a later at home after he's worked out.
The boys were in a crazy mood that night and thankfully so was I so all the running around and silliness so close to bed time made me laugh. They all three participated in their homemade rock band- using spatulas, wooden spoons and pots, complete with air guitars and bowing after each performance.
(I want to remember this night because we were all silly and it was fun. We still got everyone to fed and to bed- but we had fun doing it. I forget sometimes that fun can be had while trying to do 'normal, boring everyday tasks)

Taylor found these glasses on the bus. They're his 'secret agent' disguise.
Austin had his first taste of shredded chicken- he liked it!
The life of a 3 1/2 year old can be tiring. Brayden doesn't want to nap but if we go anywhere in the car after lunch I always find this in the back seat.
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