Tuesday, March 30, 2010

I'm a fan of country music- much to Matt's horror and dismay.

There's a song by Sugarland and a line it it says,

"Now there's toys in the backyard
Daddy's boys, yeah, you know how they like to fight
When they sleep, he swears they're angels
He wouldn't trade a day for all those Friday nights"...

We have had one of those days where it's lucky that we're all alive by bedtime! But when I went it to see them tonight- my heart just melted and I forgot all about the craziness of the day and I just wanted to kiss those cheeks and stroke the hair of my little angels. Man I love those boys!

Monday, March 22, 2010

Park Days

The weather in Provo has been so crazy lately. I'm not going to complain that much because it's been a lot of sun and mid 50's, but then we'll get snow three hours later! So weird! We've been enjoying the parks lately. Oh- and Taylor got a haircut! FINALLY!!!!

Growing Up

Brayden has been growing up so much lately- at least in my eyes. When Taylor was Brayden's age, we had a one- month old. Out of necessity and excitement for things to come we encouraged Taylor to grow up. With Brayden- he's our baby. The rush to do new things hasn't been as hurried with him. He still doesn't talk much and has about 6 words in his vocabulary BUT he's trying!

We bought a little potty from Ikea a while ago just to be ready when potty training came upon us again. Well, it looks like it might be here! The last two days Brayden has made himself pee in the potty if I ask him to. YEAH! (kinda) I;m not sure if I'm totally ready to do it, but if he is then we better get going!

Last night we took the side rail off his crib. That was a huge step for me! He looks so little- but I had to remind myself Taylor had already been sleeping in a twin size bed for two months at this point! Brayden did pretty good. He knocked on his door to get out at 2:00 am and wanted to play downstairs. It took him 3 hours to go back to bed, which meant not a lot of sleep for me, but over all it went well!


Matt's sister Stephanie came into town two weekends ago. We planned lots of fun things to do while she was here. First on our list was bowling. The boys have never been bowling so we hit up BYU's bowling lanes. Brayden liked it for a little while. Taylor wanted to bowl every one else's frames and the rest of us were terrible! BUT we still had fun!

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

This kids has been cracking me up. Today on the radio someone said something about being a disgrace to all humanity. I didn't totally hear it but Taylor piped up from his seat and ask, " Humanity, what is all humanity?" I tried to explain what it was, but he decided we're all boys, mommys or daddys- "there's no humanity silly mommy."

At dinner he asked for some more water and when I handed it to him he drank some and said "Now that's what I'm talking about."

As we sat down for dinner I was putting food on their plates and he looked up at me and said, "Mommy, you'll always be in my heart." (Anyone know which movie that is? Spirit. He watched part of it this morning.)

Brayden still doesn't talk much, but we can understand the different inflection in his squeals and screams to get his point. He LOVES animals and any food that is NOT good for you! (notice the pasta sauce and oreo look he's sporting above)He has an obsession with play dough and wants to play with it all day long.

Both boys cannot be deterred by the weather when there's a sand table right back your back door. They bundle up and play until it gets too cold. For the most part they play well together, but every once in a while someone will come in with sand in their hair from a sand fight.

Saturday, February 27, 2010

The other day after his nap Taylor came into my room and laid down on the floor underneath my desk. I was trying to send off some emails so he was down there, quiet, for about 5 minutes. After ALL that time to think he says this:

"You have a BIG butt."

I looked down at him, perplexed (because I don't think it's THAT big).

"Yeah, me, I said that to you!" he says emphatically.

I haven't missed a day at the gym since that afternoon!

Wednesday, February 3, 2010


Taylor can get pretty rough with Brayden sometimes. The other day he kept on pushing him down. I finally pulled him aside after asking nicely for him to stop it a million times. The conversation went like this:

Mom: Taylor, is that a nice thing to do?

T: No

Mom: We want to be like Jesus right and be nice?

T: Jesus isn't nice mom, he knocked overs the guys tables!

And there you go-what was working so well is now shot. Of all the stories he's been told, that's the one he wants to pattern his live after... AHHHH!

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

I've been slacking on the blogging world, well, on my blog at least. I check everyone else's, but by the time I'm done reading about your fun and interesting lives, I can't think of anything worth writing about. The grandparents would disagree I'm sure because they love to hear anything about the boys...

Matt’s leaving for California again tonight. A bunch of people in his class are headed down there to tour companies and search for internships. If anyone knows of a company looking for a marketing intern for the summer let us know!

The boys are growing like crazy and are saying/doing the funniest things. Every once in a while Matt will say, "Man, that is blog-worthy!" I should start writing them down because I can't think of any of it right now!

Taylor has moved in Primary at church and HATES sharing time (singing time). He cries when we leave him there. It's so sad! He loves his "small class" but the "big class" is not his favorite.

Brayden is along in nursery now, along with 15 other kids, but his big brother is gone. He will only go to nursery if they have the snacks out waiting for him, otherwise he cries. Last Sunday this is the paper he brought home from his class. Upon further examination I started laughing so hard, the only thing that is really colored is the food! SOOO Brayden!

Taylor has started swimming lessons. I thought it would be better for someone else to teach him to start and then I'll build on it from there. Well, while he loves it, it's a joke. They're not teaching him much, but at least he's in the water.

Taylor has been such a helper lately and the other day we heard a crash in the kitchen and I ran in and he had the soap out trying to do the dishes for me. I have to sneak the laundry downstairs or else I have a three-year old helper spraying stain remover on everything. The other day I was vacuuming the upstairs and both boys insisted on vacuuming their own rooms. Taylor even got the edger out and cleaned his whole room and then the master too!

This is how Braydne cleans when I ask him to pick all the trains off the floor.
Like I said... pretty boring stuff. I'll try and be more interesting next time!

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Come on Horns

We're all decked out in our burnt orange and ready for a great game! I'm home by myslef with the kids, so Please, Please, Please win! I want to go to bed happy all alone tonight!

Thursday, December 10, 2009

For the Grandparents

No auditions for American Idol in our future!

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Some of the rejects...

My SUPER SAD attempt at "come hither eyes." She took one picture and then we moved on, it was THAT bad!

Monday, November 30, 2009

Back in Business

So we're all moved in (for the most part) and are LOVING our new place. The boys love all the space, and so do I!

We bought a new camera on Black Friday so I should be around here a little more often AND we had family pictures taken by the lovely Whitney Palmer Lewis. If you're in the area she's reasonably priced and gives you the copyright to all the pictures! Here's a preview:

Friday, October 30, 2009

Taylor's Halloween Pick

So I'd been trying to convince Taylor to be a fireman for halloween, it's a no go. Today he told me he wants to be a scary, black ghost with scary eyes and scary ears you can't see. I looked up "black ghost" on google and showed Taylor this pic. his reply" Yes mama yes, that's what I want!"


What mormon mom dresses her 3 YEAR OLD in this?

**Edited: thankfully we got to the store and the motorcyle cheap plastic helmet swayed him! Crisis averted!**

Hodge Podge

Is that how you spell that?

Random thoughts and ideas and whatever comes at me right now at 12:10:

1. I LOVE my guilty pleasures... The OC(thank you Sara and Emily), Grey's Anatomy, and Private Practice.

I know there's some sleaze in there, and admitting you have a problem is the first step right??? At the end of the night (or in the middle of the day when the boys are driving me crazy) completely vegging out to those shows MAKES MY DAY!!!

**Remember what Christ said about throwing the first stone...:)

2. My boys are LOTS of fun.

3. MBA school is a drag right now- well for me. Matt is gone lots and we really miss him.

4. I'm grateful for bubble bath and glow sticks- these things keep my boys entertained forever in the bath!

5. I can still fit into my prom dress from my junior year in high school- I'm proud. Granted, I'm not THAT far removed from my junior year, but I have had two kids.

6. Trying to work out sucks, but if I want #5 to ever happen again, I better keep it up.

7. I kinda miss SC??!!

8. We're moving in 15 days. I can't wait. I haven't really settled in here, and I have lots of ideas of what I am going to do once we move.

I think that's all.

Monday, October 5, 2009

So far my favorite housing ad has been this one:

Manufactured double wide home. located in quiet cold a sack. come by and c 4 urself.

It took me FOREVER to figure out what a cold a sack was.