Thursday, September 6, 2012

Boy toys

This is my best geo-track ever built. My skills have improved greatly in the last 6 years!

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Prayer time

This is what prayer time looked like last night (sans dad- he was out of town) I love seeing little ones pray. Burying your head into the carpet is a Conran trait that won't die with Matt- he's passed it on!


This weekend will mark our 7th move in 6 years and 363 days of marriage. Hopefully this one will stick for at least two years. Wish us luck!

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Transformation: Piano

 I caught a 'DIY-bug' and bought a cheap piano and transformed it. No I can't play... and no neither can Matt, but I intend to take lessons again someday and our boys will learn to play. It's been a fun toy to have in the house.

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Time out

Yesterday time out really took it out of him! I knew he was tired... But didn't realize he was that tired! He only sat there for four minutes- I watched the clock.

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Little swimmer

We signed Taylor up for a summer swim team this past weekend. Obviously, he's pretty excited- this is how I found him tonight when I went in to check on the boys before I went to bed.

Monday, April 30, 2012

Happy Easter

MBA friends

As luck would have it, 5 of us from the BYU MBA class of 2011 moved within 2 hours from each other. It's been a life saver! I've really enjoyed Michigan, but knowing that I get to see these old friends every once in a while brings a comfort I can't explain. Two of the families were in Grand Rapids a few weeks ago (and 2 of us live here) so we hosted an impromptu BBQ. It's so refreshing to reconnect every time we see them! The kids set up their chairs to eat out back.

Missed you Andersons!

Saturday, April 21, 2012


Why do these kind of 'happy' moments come just 3 minutes after I put away the mop.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012


This sign is at a local garden and sculpture park we have passes to. Every time we pass it it makes me laugh.

3.14: Neighbor Friends

These four can get along great sometimes. It's fun having so many playmates in our neighborhood.

3.4: The Buzz Cut

Thank goodness we've been blessed with three boys becuase when theyir hairs starts to get long, the only thing I know to do is get out the clippers. Austin had his first encounter just after he turned 10 months. At first he didn't mind it, but he changed his mind pretty qucikly. Luckily as a team Matt and I can work quick!

Proof is was time for a trim

The Reveal

2.27: FHE- Putting on the Armor of God

Matt taught our family home evening lesson on putting on the whole armor of God. Brayden got to be the righteous one as Taylor tried attacking him with bad choices.

2.11: Valentine's Day Sweetheart Splash

Our little town does a charity event every year around Valentine's Day. In downtown we have a big dam in the river and you can pay to jump in the water to show your love for someone. I guess it's for a good cause because it's really cold and I don't think we'll be entering anytime soon! They have to break the layer of ice to have a spot to jump in. We were late getting there to see everyone jump in this year but here are the winners in the 'group' division.

In Print: March 2012

Hurry- drop everything you're doing and go check your mailbox for the latest issue of Pet Age... I'll wait.

Oh- you don't subscribe to the Backer Publication for 'practical ideas for the busy pet retailer of today... and tomorrow'- ya, me neither! BUT if you do get your hands a March issue flip to page 56- a wise Associate Brand Manager has some good tips for you about how to remove that pesky pet hair from your home! :)