On Wednesdays the boys have soccer class at the Y while I teach swim lessons. We come home later that evening and rush to get everyone fed and in bed. Matt usually watches their soccer practice and then I bring everyone home and Matt meets us a later at home after he's worked out.
The boys were in a crazy mood that night and thankfully so was I so all the running around and silliness so close to bed time made me laugh. They all three participated in their homemade rock band- using spatulas, wooden spoons and pots, complete with air guitars and bowing after each performance.
(I want to remember this night because we were all silly and it was fun. We still got everyone to fed and to bed- but we had fun doing it. I forget sometimes that fun can be had while trying to do 'normal, boring everyday tasks)

Taylor found these glasses on the bus. They're his 'secret agent' disguise.
Austin had his first taste of shredded chicken- he liked it!