Congratulations to us!! We are finally married and it is the greatest ever. November 17, 2007 was a gorgeous day in southern California. The perfect wedding temperature for the perfect couple. We set out to get married in the Los Angeles Temple and arrived in record time- yes, even through 405 freeway traffic. Then we took some wonderful pictures for a very long time; pretty much till our cheeks were numb. The afternoon was relaxing- just ate food and sat around. Our reception was fun and classy. The food wasn't important, but the cake was divine. We get a free one on our anniversary and our mouths are watering already! Our honeymoon was spent in the most magical place on earth. The thrills and shrills of Disneyland and California Adventures. Space mountain is still #1!! Then we headed back home in time for an entire Thanksgiving weekend of work. However, before we fell back to earth, we goofed around St. George and Snow Canyon for a day. We hiked a not very tall, inactive volcano with a meteor pit on the top. The hike was way too easy. Married life is grand, grander than I had expected! That's all folks.