"The love of gardening is a seed that once sown never dies" ...Gertrude Jekyll...


Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Living in the Twilight Zone

"I know you are all thinking Christmas right now...BUT...Since I've been living in The Twilight Zone I figured I'd give you a PEEK into my Parlor"...

I've been captive in a world of silence...NO Land of Blog, with my e-mail "Out more than In"... I truely thought that a new computer was going to bring  a pleasent new beginning, NOT lauch me down a deep dark tunnel of "Nothingness"...

"Spooky Huh"???

These are the spirits that haunted my head as I tried to "Click a Comment to each and every one of you(My Dear Dear Friends, on the other side of the Looking Glass, in My Land of Blog)"...

Time for a grog of hard cider... "Actually I'm a coffee gal, and rather consume a large carafe of Java from a favorite vintage stein"!

Oh Yes, My world has been "Upside Down" without you!!!

Since we last chatted, we've been through Mother Natures Storms here too... Hurricane Sandy had lots of anger in her path... This is the second year in a row that "Halloween was Postponed"...WOW!!!

Okay!!! I seem to be sitting UPRIGHT at the moment "AND" I want to share with you all!!!  I've missed you all and "I'm sending you Big Squishy Hugs"!!!