Tuesday, April 16, 2013


As I was talking on the phone to my sister Katie the other day I saw that my girls had been very naughty. Someone had drawn on the wall with crayon. I was determine to find out who did it so the correct person would get in trouble.
She sure made it easy to figure out...
  After we had a little talk about why we don't draw on the walls Ellie got to clean off her masterpiece. Unfortunately she enjoyed doing so and Lily was right there wishing she got to clean the wall too.

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Happy Easter!

Easter time! So I was super bad a taking pictures this year and then most of the ones I did take got all messed up by my computer :( So here are the three that survived.
I... I mean the Easter bunny made the girls some felt boards! There is a castle and a farm for them to play with! So far they seem to like it.

The big hit this year was some little bunny windup toys!  
That silly Easter bunny hid some eggs and left some candy too!
We went to church and has some great lessons about the resurrection of Christ. It was a great day of just being together as a family.